Tell us about the lighting rig and the framework behind the plants!
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- Lights: 4ft -
- Cable system -
- Netting -
I just bolted the anchors from the cable system into some ceiling studs, and then attached the lights using their mounting clips + some zip ties. It was a temporary thing that just never got updated since it works well. I thought I might need to add weights at the bottom, but the leds are heavy enough on their own.
Wall has a bunch of screws put into the studs and then the net is just spread over them. I zip tied the net in a few spots to start if off, then just wrapped the netting around the screws to pull it tight.
I've started letting it climb onto the ceiling / off the net by using some thumb tacks, but I don't think this is going to work. I'll probably put a few screws in and then run some fishing line between them.
Oh man, that's so much more than I expected! Now you got me scheming...
Just looked. A 6-pack for $134!?! I'm turning my daughter's room into a nursery.
One thing to be aware, is that vine drinks 2L a day and seems to lose a lot of it to the air. It gets pretty humid in my office as a result.
I just open my door for fresh air so it doesn't bother me, but the level of humidity surprised me.
I keep trying to convince my mother to let me build her a little wall herb garden for the kitchen.
Hello, it is I, your mother
Shit, I'd hire you to do that for me.
I am certain you could sneak a pot plant in there. No one would know.
You would smell it, though.
Not a bad deal
How much does it cost to run the lights?
Let's do some math together!
- 6 lights rated at 42w each = 252w which I run for 10 hours a day, so we're looking at 2100wh per day AKA 2.5kwh per day.
- 2.5 kwh * 30 = 75kwh per month.
- 75kwh * my residential rate of $0.0959 per kwh = $7.20 per month
Given they also make my office nice and bright when I'm working in here, that's a reasonable cost in my mind.
Wowww the fuck, I pay 0.4523€ per kWh, so for me it would be 33.92€ which is ~36$. Roughly 2% of my income each month. Yeaah...
Oof. Yeah I'd be seriously reevaluating my energy consumption at those prices.
Yeah I'm not "into" house plants that much, but I've been evaluating what to do because I'd love to have them. The problem I have is that I live in an apartment that only has windows on one side, and while it is enough light for general living, roughly 70% of the apartment is not suitable for most plants due to very low light.
Combined with me having a very random sleep pattern which I can't really "fix", I have to have the blinds down a lot to be able to sleep properly, making the situation even worse. So honestly I'm thinking of using plastic plants in the darker areas to have at least a bit of greenery there.
Sansevieria. Put them wherever. Give them a couple days by the window on rotation when you think of it. They come in different sizes/styles.
I have one in a bathroom with a small, frosted, tree-shaded window that's usually hidden by the shower curtain. I've forgotten to water it for weeks at a time. They're fairly hardy. :blobfoxcrylaugh:
That's my first question. I estimate that light would cost me about $30-40 a month to run with current electricity prices but I've wanted to do this with sugar snap peas for so long. I want flowers and things to eat in the winter!
I posted the math if you're curious. For it to cost $30/month you'd have to pay $0.47/kwh. That's some pretty pricy electricity.
I'm lucky to live in BC and we've got some of the cheapest power (lots of hydro) in North America.
Ha I paid $0.45 this past winter after you include all the delivery and other surcharges. You're very lucky and I cannot wait to install solar panels
Looks sick. What all you got there, friend?
Main vine on the wall is a passionflower. It consumes about 2L of water a day so I'm starting to think of ways to automate it.
From left to right: Grapefruit tree, Basil, Aloe, Jade, Drosera Capensi, Aloe. The big pot on the right hosts the passionflower.
Simply glorious, well done. Are these choices purely aesthetic, or do they compliment each other in some way? Thanks for sharing, btw.
Thanks! Passion flower has always been my favorite. Basil because I like Pesto. The rest were gifts and now they're here.
Really cool.
Closeup of one of the flowers