this post was submitted on 07 Aug 2023
1 points (100.0% liked)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
89 readers
0 users here now
What is this community?
This is a support community for people who have Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), a mental health condition where a person spends a lot of time worrying about flaws in their appearance.
What are the rules for this community?
- Be Kind
- Conversation and opinions are allowed, but aggressive, demeaning, belittling, prejudicial or otherwise harmful behaviour is not allowed.
- No asking or offering surgery/drugs advice
- It's ok to mention surgery/drugs, but giving out or asking for advice about it is strictly not allowed. It's extremely important that advice involving serious medical procedures is only taken from and given by licensed medical professionals, not people in this community.
- No linking to triggering content
- Linked content that is considered to be triggering is not allowed.
- No spamming
- Spam posts/comments are not allowed. Spam posts/comments are defined as containing content that is unrelated to BDD or the OP, or containing content that is the same/similar and posted repeatedly in a short space of time (3 or more times within 4 days).
- No selfies
- Selfies are not allowed as they can be triggering to others and are rarely helpful to the poster. To expand, posts containing links to selfies or instructions to find their selfies are not allowed.
- Content containing strong derogatory language should be marked as NSFW
- Sometimes people may want to vent and may use derogatory language to refer to themselves. This is allowed as we don't want to alienate people reaching out for support however it must be marked as NSFW as it can be triggering to others with BDD.
- No social or political commentary
- This rule is in place as social and political commentary are often negative and unhelpful, and may even be triggering.
- No gatekeeping, invalidation, or lookism
- We do not allow gatekeeping or invalidating others' experiences on any basis. Also directing a conversation from BDD to lookism, incel rhetoric or gender divide is not allowed.
- No asking or offering of pictures or private feedback
- We do not approve of users asking or offering photos for purposes such as "getting/offering honest opinions" or "improvement advice". This includes offering to provide personal consultation or feedback without photos. This rule is in place as feedback can potentially be very damaging to someone with BDD. Asking users to send photos, publicly or privately, is not allowed.
- These rules are subject to change
- If there is overwhelming support for the revision of one of these rules then the rule will be reviewed and community input listened to. Alternatively if I feel I have neglected to create an important rule, or want to revise a rule to make it clearer, then I reserve the right to add to or change the current rules.
- Please report any content you think is in violation of these rules for us to review
- This will help us moderate the sub and provide a better experience for everyone.
- Do not refer to or ask for content that promotes surgery or drug use
- This is strictly forbidden as surgery and drugs can be very harmful if they are not done/used properly as directed by a licensed medical professional.
- Comments should remain on the topic of the post
- Comments that don't contribute to the post are unhelpful and not allowed.
- Posts should remain on the topic of BDD
- Posts not on-topic are not helpful and not allowed.
What happens if these rules are broken?
- Content that breaks these rules is subject to removal.
- Users who repeatedly break these rules are subject to a ban (with the exception of rule 11.).
As a side note I am open to messages if people would like to discuss the rules or this sidebar.
Free Resources
- BDD Foundation
- contains tons of information about BDD, ranging from information, support services (which includes an email helpline specifically for BDD btw), and others' stories.
- Building Body Acceptance by CCI
- contains a rich and complete workbook that guides you and helps you understand your BDD.
- Credit for the community icon:
- Icon made by Freepik from
- Credit for the rules:
- @[email protected] (me), however I was very heavily inspired by the rules at
- Credit for the Free Resources section:
- @[email protected] (me), and @[email protected]
founded 2 years ago
there doesn't seem to be anything here