You shouldn't have conflicts with the DSM ngnix after setting up a macvlan on a Synology.
Saying that, there are a few more steps you have to do to get it working. I've done it successfully on my Synology. Here is a guide I wrote for traefik in my notes. Also see the references for additional explanations.
I apologize for the formatting. I am on my phone.
Long story short, Traefik uses ports 80 and 440. On the Synology NAS (from DSM 7 and upwards), those ports are occupied by the OS. There are two options to solve this issue:
Reroute all traffic on 80 and 443 on the router to a new port
Pros: no need for a VLAN (see 2.). Cons: need to expose all services on the Synology via Traefik Create a MAC VLAN + bridge, attach the docker container to it and assign an IP
Pros: Cleaner approach as the docker container gets assigned a new IP Cons: More complicated
This guide will discuss option 2.
IP Reservation
Before we begin, some ip configuration is necessary. First you must configure any DHCP service on your network such that it will not assign addresses in a given range. This guide assumes you already have your raspberry pi set up as your DHCP service (and turned DHCP off in your router). Go to your pi-hole admin page and go to settings→DHCP.
Figure: DHCP Settings on the Pi-Hole
Here an IP range of has been reserved by the pi-hole to be assigned. This leaves addresses and to us to use. I shall use the tail end of the range
The following is specifically for those that have a Synology NAS with a single ethernet port. This port should be designated eth0. To be sure, check using the following command:
ip link show
Figure 2: List of IP links available
Note: If you have multiple ethernet ports and have already set up a bond, follow this guide:
We will link our macvlan to this physical port so that information and be routed from outside the NAS to the docker container.
Docker and MACVLANs
Warning! This is the danger zone. If you mess up and/or want to get your network settings back to normal follow these steps. TL;DR: find and press the reset button on the back of your NAS for 4 seconds until you hear a beep, then release.
Now that we have our address range reserved and we know which device we can link our macvlan to, it is time to create our docker network and a macvlan network!
Step 1: Create the necessary docker network:
docker network create -d macvlan \
-o parent=eth0 \
--subnet= \
--gateway= \
--ip-range \
--aux-address="host=" \
--aux-address reserves the address from our subnet (this is the new ip my NAS host will be accessed from on the macvlan network)
--ip-range is the range of IPs that can be assigned by docker
--gateway the gateway docker will use to communicate with the world (this is my router address)
--subnet the macvlan's subnet we will be creating
-o parent specifies the interface through which we want to comminicate
The next step is to create a MACVLAN that will act as a new host and network and provide new IP addresses to the containers we attach to it.
First create a MACVLAN and add a fictitious MAC address to it. This is so that if you need to start over, you don't have multiple virtual nodes popping up in your router
sudo ip link add link eth0 name macvlan0 address 02:42:C0:A8:02:C9 type macvlan mode bridge
Then assign the reserved host address (aux-address from above) to the MACVLAN
sudo ip addr add dev macvlan0
Spin up the MACVLAN
sudo ip link set macvlan0 up
Allow routing to the subnet
sudo ip route add dev macvlan0
Now you should see a new host on your network with ip and MAC address 02:42:C0:A8:02:C9
Make sure the synology can get packets to the macvlan subnet
sudo iptables -A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT &&
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT &&
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -s -j ACCEPT &&
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -d -j ACCEPT
Traefik with a new IP
To assign Traefik it's own IP so that the NAS does not interfere with traefik (by taking up ports 80 and 443) add the following to your docker compose:
service: . . networks: default: #eth0 linked network traefik-net: #traefik's network proxy: #proxy network mac_address: "02:42:C0:A8:02:C9" . . . #define networks networks: traefik-net: external: true proxy: external: true default: external: name: "dockervlan"
Note the 3 networks:
default/dockervlan this docker network is the subnet that exists in the router and is linked to eth0. This manages all external communication
proxy socket-proxy docker network (never to be exposed)
traefik-net the network any container will use in order to communicate with traefik