I don't have any useful advice or anything, just wanted to say I adore them.
Great first go ๐
A community dedicated to painting tabletop miniatures, terrain, and so on. All skill levels welcome!
I don't have any useful advice or anything, just wanted to say I adore them.
Great first go ๐
Thank you!
Look very nice, this on a resin printer? Personally to give them a bit of depth id give them a coat with a wash they will really pop then. But there are definitely table ready. Have fun ๐
My girlfriend went over them with a really watery brown to make them look dirty, isn't that basically what a wash is?
Yes on a resin printer. Thank you!
Its similar to that but i think they behave a bit different. Its more just making the shadows pops and giving some texture. It is completely optional and down to preferences. Example here No worries, you should be proud of them.
I'm definitely open to it. I have one called strong wash that was just in the basic paint set I got. But I tried to use it on my character mini and it just seemed to make everything like black and gross
Maybe something to experiment with like everything with minis, I find a little goes a long way. There is never a final project ๐
Great job! It's a whole different thrill to get an entire group done isn't it?
The most important advice is to have fun and keep painting.
The Warhammer 40k community keeps a wonderful list of mini painting YouTube channels that can show all different types of techniques.
Your base colors looks really good so I would suggest playing with shade paints and highlights or basing as next steps to bring them to another level.
Man honestly it takes so long by the end I am so defeated there's no way I could get the willpower to do any shading or highlighting. I imagine with a proper set up and an airbrush it would be much faster and easier to do the basic colouring