What do foreign football supporters actually think of this? That we suspend games because of single plastic cups on the pitch.
Football / Soccer / Calcio / Futebol / Fußball
That the Netherlands has a clear problem with hooliganism that the authorities should do something about. But that this rule is incredibly stupid and does not actually stop hooliganism, if anything it encourages idiot fans to throw things onto the pitch when their team is doing badly.
I get the idea but I don't think plastic cups thrown onto an empty are of the pitch should be a factor to deploy the crowd trouble protocol
Bit silly really. Even if you're stopping the game for these sorts of things it doesn't really make sense that you'd walk off the pitch for it. Extra waste of time doing it like that.
I think you should stop throwing stuff on the pitch.
Watch the mods delete the second thread because they think it's a duplicate
Chillest Dutch fans, almost went the full 90 without incidents.