I remember reading somewhere that only the presiding priest is supposed to raise his hands during the lord's prayer, however, I never saw anything definitive about what the lay people are supposed to do with their hands. There were various practices that have taken hold across different catholic traditions: one of which is what we do here, nakiki-raise hands din tayo, lol!
Bishop Julito Cortes encouraged each churchgoer to instead “join his or her own hands… while the priest extends his hands in prayer”.
I am not sure if this is only for his diocese or if it's to be adopted for all the catholic churches here in the Philippines (as well as catholic churches serving the Philippine diaspora all over the world). This is probably one of the things the CBCP should be releasing a statement on, tbh.
I for one, if I ever attend a mass, would continue observing what everyone around me is doing and acting accordingly—as I've always done in that kind of a situation.