What a load of rubbish what does this statement Even mean
Football / Soccer / Calcio / Futebol / Fußball
But why?
this is so silly
you don't see real madrid talking about their men's team being all black idk why they're so worried about diversify
This is stupid and inflammatory. Awful headline
(To make light of so many Aussies there….)
On behalf of Australia I apologise for us sending so many Matildas to play in your club. There should be at least… like two English women there… 😂
How about we run things on a merrit system and not a skin color / sexual prefferences thing. I coudldn't give a fuck how many players are of a certain ethnic/social 'minoritiy' are they good at football?
Brazil, Netherlands, Canada, Austria, Sweden, Spain, Australia, USA,
Have the English completely embraced American race theories? Skin color is the only thing that matters?
I get the gist of what you’re saying. You’re not wrong. But your country determines your nationality, not your ethnicity.
Martin Luther King wanted people to be judged on the content of their character (including football ability) and not by the colour of their skin
If they’re the best 11 players at the club what’s the issue
So this Is the Priority in women football.
Remind me,why should i Watch it?
Tell me how picking player based on skin color instead of performance Is not racist.
We are living in a south park episode that Is not even funny
Surely it’s more wrong to say “this team isn’t black enough”, all the players got there on merit