I make two categories: permanent bookmarks (ones that I visit frequently or just keep there for future reference) and short-term bookmarks (ones to be acted upon once and then removed). The former stays in the bookmark folder (or its children) and the latter stays on the bar. If they overflow the bar it's a person problem, not a methodology problem.
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I also like this distinction, although personally, I leave them open as tabs.
I also feel like another distinction can be made between bookmarks that you actually won't remember the name of (you need those accessible) and bookmarks for which you can just type the name into the search bar (those can live in a separate folder somewhere else).
Basically, don't try to force grouping them into their topics, but rather group them by how you need to access them.
I'm currently experimenting with not having a bookmarks bar and rather just opening the bookmarks sidebar (Ctrl+B). With it being more persistent and a tree view, I feel like I have a better overview over those bookmark folders. Downside is that the friction to opening any bookmark becomes somewhat higher.
Or you could set a monthly or so dedicated "bookmark day" on which you sort through your bookmarks & make a deadline for those you need to take care of until the next bookmark day.