@[email protected] was kind enough to put together a search tool that does just this:
Meta (lemm.ee)
lemm.ee Meta
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Aaand I've searched "best blender" and I found out it's... THE SOFTWARE!
Now that's a fedi answer ๐๐
That's funny. I thought this thread was about the software, and how to find the best way to use it. Lol
Vitamix, the "explorian" budget model blends as well as the more expensive ones but without some of the luxury features or optional accessories. Typically about 300 USD, worth it imo.
Looks awesome!!!! Hopefully some dev will see this and just put a search bar powered by this service on the Lemmy website itself!
Amazing! Posted 16 hours ago, love how everything is coming together around here haha. I see how they're doing it. I think it would be smart if the Lemmy/Kbin software built a keyword that was guaranteed not to change onto every page. This definitely helps fill the need!
for anyone that didn't look, they're just using the intext filter when searching to grab the default words out of the footer, thus filtering your searches.
Idk, but I would like to find out. We need a federation search engine that only searches the federation.
DuckDuckGo needs to get on this. It would attract users away from Google search.
Fuck google.