I personally have made 4 accounts in the process of deciding the right instance, I think it's likely that this figure includes every account made but not necessarily people.
Meta (lemm.ee)
lemm.ee Meta
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I have 7+ accounts. I didn't count. I plan on having a couple more, for beehaw at least one.
Me too, took me four instances to find one I liked. Lemm.ee is my home, but lemmy.one is my alternate. Actually handy to have more than one in case of outages. Anyway, I guess I'm one user counted as four.
I have created two accounts. Overall we may estimate the user base has roughly tripled or quadrupled
I tried to join a few before coming here. Idk what happened but it seems like I just wasn't accepted for whatever reason. I've only received an actual rejection from beehaw though
Reminds me of EVE Online in that way.
Out with Reddit, and in with Lemmy! I am / was a fully mobile user of Reddit. It they are going to stiff the app and dev I've supported for a decade, I'm moving on.
Hello from a longtime Redditor!
So many alt accounts 😂
No idea. Could be legit users, could be bots. I don't have a clue.
A lot of instances have been targeted by bots in the past few days unfortunately. Several small instances are suddenly up to thousands of users.
We have been spared so far - maybe thanks to the captcha requirement on sign-up - but that's no guarantee that we won't be hit soon as well. I'm constantly monitoring it & prepared to start putting mitigations in place when I notice incoming bots.
Would the email validation requirement make it even less likely that we get issues in case somehow they manage to automate their way out of the captchas? Also, thanks a lot for your work here :)
And I also hope that most users there are real. We're seeing many apps and improvements in the default website as well for lemmy. Communities are growing, discussions are improving, the pace of these improvements is also very impressive.
Would the email validation requirement make it even less likely that we get issues in case somehow they manage to automate their way out of the captchas?
It certainly makes it more difficult to automate sign-ups, but it can be worked around (same as the captcha)
You're gonna have to set up one on one calls with people who have verified their passports with selfies, and then do a personal visit to their homes.
I'll get the kettle on
The one in your pants, or the regular one?
All of the above.