Trying to appear impartial against a guy who will accuse you of being a partisan on a witch hunt no matter what you do is a waste of time.
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It's fine to appear (and be) impartial, but not by not doing your job. Also, Garland appears very partial towards Trump here.
Agreed that it is a waste of time!
He, and all of the current admin, just seem entirely terrified of the right and what they'll do.
And for good reason. These people literally tried to overthrow the government. The right wants to kill everyone who does not agree with them at this point.
But the cowardice will only be met with further aggression.
Also the charges brought against hunter… that he’s pleading out of- are seeing sentencing deals that are much stronger than what almost anyone else would have seen, without pleading out
Edit: to clarify, garland approved the ask, and had elected to leave the trump era prosecutor on it
"Let's look non-political and sit on our hands so a criminal can gain more power to prevent us from arresting him." Is the most fucked take I have ever seen. Doing nothing is literally more political than doing something. wtf is wrong with people?
Especially considering we have enough evidence in the public sphere to demonstrate just cause.
Not investigating is inherently political.
All it takes for evil to succeed is for "good" men to do nothing.
On the one hand, I get it. The fact of the matter is Trump has a substantial part of the population at his beck and call and the MAGA Republicans will cover for Trump with accusations of political persecution.
On the other hand, they better get to it so he's on trial before the general election.
"I would hate to appear political in response to a political crime." what a useless choad.
They want him free for the Election. It's the easiest candidate for Biden to beat.