Featuring a robot with a thick Southern drawl (but only during half the movie)
B Movie Bonanza
A place for lovers of B movies to come together and talk about them.
- Be most excellent to one another. (Don't be a jerk)
- Try not to repost movies that have already been posted. (If it has been over 12 months feel free to repost)
- If posting links for people to watch the movies let them be legal ones. (Free is best but not when it's shady, you dig?)
- Have fun and enjoy all the awesomeness that B movies can bring you.
We watched StarCrash recently as part of our weekly bmovie watching ritual, and it was one of the better ones.
Clearly a feeble attempt at a Star Wars ripoff, the movie has surprisingly good production value, and the story makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Highly recommend!
Doesn't it predate star wars?
Star Wars was released May 25th, 1977
Filming for Star Crash began filming in October of 77.
Ah! My mistake. I'm sure this would be a much more known movie of it wasn't the case. :)
If you've never seen it, it's a trip for sure. Utterly horrible. Not even Christopher Plummer could have saved it. He admitted that his reason for agreeing to it was because he actually wanted to go to Rome for free. In his words "I'll do porno in Rome, as long as I can get to Rome."
The MST3K version is up on Netflix for the curious, though I recommend finding it unriffed first. It's pretty easy to find on Google.
This film was amazing. Compete star wars ripoff and the finale has one of the best lines I've ever heard in a film (which I absolutely will not spoil here, you need to watch it!)
Also I think it was Hasselhoff's first film (or at least first leading role!)
I don’t see any Italian names on the poster, but this looks like Italian Star Wars.
There really isn't a point where it stops getting worse :-) Space-Cave-Men, Space-Dracula, Space-Bikinis, it's perfect.
Looks like there might be t!ts in the PG rated movie 😂
You're allowed to day "tits" on the internet, don't be afraid!
I'm not afraid to censor myself. I'm a free being. I can do whatever I want.
Absolutely, but why? If you don't want to say a word you can just not say it, and it's not like it's unclear what word you're trying to say.