✢ Sho Off
Mesh Source: WoW+Custom
Ripped by: Me ✢
Races for Acc: All
Races for Ear Replacement: Female/Male Miqo
Numbers: 3
Item: Werewolf Helm
Highlight Compatible?: No
✢ Comments: Replaces tail 3 for male and female miqote and werewolf helm. Ears are static. Comes with vanilla tail 3, you can mix and match tails with it but please don't release them or personal edits. These are my personal ears ive worked on for the past 2 years but there still may be some issues as I never intended to release them. V1 Is a shorter ear, V2 is a larger one. Only v2 is on werewolf ears. Edit: added new version v3 a upright ear, this one is werewolf helm only. Edit 2: Sho off v4 now included female miqo. V1-4 for Viera male.
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