Very cool to see more people getting a chance to play this one, especially after the eShop shut down. Kind of surprised they didn't include the first title though to complete the trilogy on Switch.
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I tried 1 recently and it's quite hard work without the QOL upgrades.
I think this one has to be my favourite in the series - but does it really need a revamp? I guess it’ll open up to new audiences?
The 3DS is over 12 years old by now. It's officially a retro console.
Wanna feel even older? The Wind Waker is old enough to drink. You're welcome.
I think it's good for no other reasons other than to get the game into the hands of people who haven't played it.
As the years continue, games on DS and 3DS will become increasingly difficult to play due to their unique form factor, and getting ahead of it and bringing as many games over to systems with a more traditional controlayout can only be a good thing I think.