My denom likes to think it traces its roots back to the Huguenots but really we're a weird mishmash of dutch reformed and various northh american presbyterians...
Reformed Christianity
[email protected] exists to be a place where reformed believers, in a broader understanding of the term, can come together, unified by a clear Gospel witness, to exhort one another, spur one another on intellectually in reformed theology, and discuss doctrine.
Rules (draft)
We probably don't need as many rules as on reddit just yet. But some important ones will carry over.
Rule #1 Deal with Each Other in Love
Rule #2 Keep Content Charitable
Rule #3 Keep Content Clean
Rule #5 Maintain the Integrity of the Gospel and Gospel ethics.
Lol nice.
Not reformed actually (but very much a fan!). Plymouth brethren (so-called!)
Haha same here, right on.
Nice. Same as in not-reformed, or same as in PB?
My uncle was a Plymouth Brethren... and he is very Calvinistic. So.. I guess that's not uncommon?
Well I was Conservative Baptist... Then went to Vineyard. Then to Sovereign Grace where I actually started believing in Reformed doctrine.
And now I'm in Trinity Fellowship Churches where our confession is based on the LBCF 1689 and our polity is similar to Presbyterianism.
I grew up fundamental Baptist, but have been a part of the PCA for over a decade.
Dutch reformed (currently URCNA), with family in other reformed traditions.
I'm in a PCA church. We started off as a nondenom college ministry but ended up joining the PCA for leadership accountability reasons.