How did you get the tiling functionality?
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I should've clarified that no tiling script is being utilized, it was done manually to make the windows appear in a more aesthetic manner. But if you'd like to use tiling scripts in KDE (under KWin) then I've heard Krohnkite is a good option.
And are you using Wayland?
Nope, can't really do that because of my NVIDIA card :/
I'm so basic; I can't find themes I like better than Breeze and Breeze Dark. I did recently try the Reactionary theme and to my surprise I found it rather nice to use instead of just nostalgic.
I wish I could make Windows 10 look like this.
I've recently come to the conclusion that no theme is more consistent than Breeze itself.
Breeze isn't perfect, but I don't think it ever aimed to be perfect, but it's consistent, and it's easy on the eyes, and it's rather simple and unique in its own way.
I did use other themes, but nothing (for me) comes close to Breeze, even though the KDE community is doing great work with custom themes.
(By the way, your desktop rice looks really nice :D )
That's hot
Thanks :)
This looks slick as hell. You made KDE look like a themed i3-gaps, nice job.
Thank you :D I was sort of going for a tiling WM look but without actually having a tiling script/WM installed.