Sounds like you may be the right person for Exoprimal. It’s releasing next month and day 1 game pass, which is the only way I’d recommend it. Do not buy at full price.
Is not buying at full price just a general tip or do you have experience with the game? (Not sure if there was a demo or something)
Regardless, it looks really interesting, thanks for the suggestion!
I've played CBT and both OBT. of. The gameplay and performance are great. They just don't really know what the game is.
If it had been Capcom EDF dinos, banger. But its not. They have this forced PvEvP model and most of the combat is just spammy on hordes of raptors. And they've added a story that unlocks as you do these online-only missions.
So, from experience, 100% do not buy this game for $60 dollars. Gamepass only, and even then it won't last long, imo.
Darktide with a scoreboard mod.
Vermintide has a scoreboard built in.
I forget about Vernintide! I haven't played Darktide; is it worth playing?