Divinity 2 is a fantastic game and has a ton of replayability. I think I've started it 2 or 3 times now, but the game is so vast and quite long that I end up getting busy with life and then forgetting where I was in the story. Can't recommend it enough though, because it's fantastic. Hope you enjoy it!
Patient Gamers
A gaming community free from the hype and oversaturation of current releases, catering to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it's price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don't meet the system requirements, or just haven't had the time to keep up with the latest releases.
Hopefully I get enough out of in time between this and Elder Scrolls Online to play Alan Wake next month, after having bought it on Steam a decade ago.
Man, I started playing that game with a friend awhile back and we didn't manage to finish it. I should really restart it solo and complete it.
Next month it will be two years since I started playing co-op with a friend. We've played for about 200 h now and we still have around 20% of the game to get through. It's been the best co-op experience to date for us both!
It's one of my favorite games of all time. I think I played for a good 150+ hours and restarted half a dozen times with different builds before I finally beat the game. The same studio is the one working on Balder's Gate 3, which I'm holding off on until it's finished, but I'm really looking forward to eventually getting it.
Absolutely cannot get into either of the DOS games. They were highly recommended, my girlfriend and I love that it's co-op, the game itself is up both our alleys in theory, but with both games we get a ways in and quit. It's just not fun for us. I hate the combat, the story just does nothing for me, and I hate the combat enough to say it a second time.
Playing with three other people is a fucking nightmare. Playing by yourself I have no problem with the game, but everyone seems to take fucking forever to take their turn. I have the same issue with D&D but this seems worse somehow
Same with me. People keep gushing over this game but the combat has the worst aspects of a JRPG - different armour pools that you have to grind down before you can actually damage the enemies etc. Every fight is pretty much the same, you deal with the annoying teleporters who make having a party formation absolutely pointless and then deal with the rest. The writing is less than mediocre, the combat isn't great and I really don't understand what people are fawning over.
Sometimes it feels like if enough YouTubers hype a game, it becomes a fan favourite for some reason. Witcher 1 played just as well as Witcher 3, but for some reason the former is barely talked about.
God Larian makes such good games. My wife and I played the first two all the way through and had such a good time.
If you ever want a table top rpg in a video game space that offers split screen local co-op, divinity series is by far the best option.
I'm stoked for their release of baldurs gate 3 later this year.
Divinity Original Sin II is also an amazing game to play with your Significant Other as well. We sunk in well over a hundred hours into this game and it was a blast!
Does it have a local co-op mode? Like can my SO and I play on the same machine at the same time if we have appropriate controls? Or would we need to get 2 copies and play on our respective machines together?
The Steam version does say it has local co-op, although I've never tried it.
Yes, it has local co-op.
I’ve had this one on my Steam wishlist for years. I really ought to buy it
I recently bought the game for iPad. At first I wasn’t sure about it but after figuring out the combat I couldn’t put it down. I’m taking a break between act 1 and 2 currently. Works great with touch controls if anyone is curious.
I looked at what they had to do to get it working on 3GB of total RAM, it looks like a good port which also supports controller.
This is one of my favorite games of all time and definitely my favorite coop.
One of the best games ever made, (you won't) change my mind. Some battles are super difficult though, you really need to be strategic. I hope you have a good time!
It's really great, my wife and I need to finish the last few acts at some point.
It did have 2 pain points for me, though. For one, there are some encounters where you can get stomped because of you initial positioning, which made us reload and basically game the system for a better start, which felt a bit weird. The other is that, mostly because of the shield system, you can't really make a hybrid character. You'll end up chipping away at 2 separate health pools when you should be focusing on one of them. I haven't played many rpg's like this, though, so maybe all this is standard and/or I'm just bad at the combat.
The general consensus is that hybrid builds are tricky and require a good understanding of the mechanics to pull off. You could pull builds from fextralife to make it easier, or just make a hybrid party made up of 2 magic and 2 physical damage dealers, which is far easier.
I got tired of managing the skills and inventories of 4 characters so I’m going to try another run with 2 line wolf hybrid builds. Probably will end up on east mode cause I want a chill experience.
It was super good. Definitely the type of game where you can’t just spam attacks, you really need to be strategic and think about it, which I appreciated. And it’s a great couch coop, like others have said.
It's a great game that I've started several times but I've never gotten close to finishing it. Can't seem to keep my attention span for long enough for some reason.
I recommend watching a YouTube video were someone explains what's good about the game and let that change your expectations.
@jesus_fish I've had the same experience. I have started several times only to get really bogged down with the different story lines. @Briongloid maybe you can offer some tips? I am unfortunately a "grab all the things" RPG player and that game doesn't really give you any indication of what you should keep, is there a crafting component that i'll need this stuff for later, etc. Also, i tend to like to explore but i very quickly tend to get into "kick my ass" territory and it becomes more of a slog than an adventure.
The game is long, but shorter than it seems. Act 1 and Act 2 combined are ~75% of it. Acts 3&4 are quite short in comparison, and are mostly dominated by the a massive ramp up in player power. Builds really take off here and the gameplay opens way up.
I personally find the very beginning - setting up a build - and the very end - the OP AF power fantasy - to be the best parts of the game. The great middle is fun, still a good game, but does drag a bit relative to the other parts.
This is an absolute masterpiece, one of the best games I know. Can't wait till August for Baldur's Gate 3. I got the early access but it'a still a bit too sluggish on linux.
Welcome to the fold! It truly is one of my favorite games of all time.
Don’t forget you can play as any main character at all and change completely how they look. It’s pretty rad. (You probably figured that out already lol)
I’m on probably my tenth run through. Always something new.
I personally always complete every fight they have because it’s super fun and nets plenty of experience. But skipping some to get off the island it’s also fun.
Hope you have a good time!
I think that it is the best of the turn-based strategy genre. My wife had a hard time playing this one with me, though, because I would take a long time (too long in her opinion) budgeting my points to get the most out of a turn.
I would take a long time (too long in her opinion) budgeting my points to get the most out of a turn.
But that's like, 50% of the fun of the game!
Should I go back and play the first divinity: original sin? Have it on steam and didn't really play it much the first time.
You don’t have to from a story perspective. There are some quality of life things that 2 has, but they’re both really great games.
Are you talking about Divine Divnity or Divinity: Original Sin?
Divinity: Original Sin is very close to D:OS2 in terms of gameplay. The only thing I found frustrating was inventory management.
Oh oops, yes I meant divinity original sin. They do have an enhanced edition already showing up in my steam library with some improvements so I might give that a try.
I struggled without the voice acting, it's what has made the sequel enjoyable for me.
Game is 45€ now. I'm going to pass for now. But tempting once the prices goes down again.
For that price you would be considering Baldurs Gate 3, I got DS2 on GOG but regretted not having Steam Workshop.
Favourite game of all time. Just waiting for August 31st for Baldur's Gate 3. It cant come soon enough!
Fantastic game. I got 2/3s into my first campaign and then my laptop got fried, along with my save. It's such a cool game, and I love the fact that you can try the most absurd shit to complete tasks on it, and it will either succeed or fail spectacularly xD
I've heard good things about Divinity.
Is it very DnD like?
I've been looking for something like that.
It's fairly dnd like. I'd say more so than most games, with the Stat and feat system, combined with the ability to interact with the environment to such an intricate degree. Also like dnd, you have room to be insanely creative in the way you handle problems, and there are a ton of little interactions between items that the game doesn't outright explain for you. As well as a fairly developed crafting system. Your decisions really matter quite a bit in this game too.
Start with Divinity original sin 2. It's by far the most expansive and polished. You don't need to know anything about it to jump in. It's really only a sequel in that it takes place in the same world as the first one.
Yes it's like a tabletop with a narrator
This game has splitscreen couch co-op that works great! My wife and I played it together using our steam link. It was a great experience. Amazing game
I loved this game, but it didn't fit well with my gaming style. When I play games (probably because I grew up playing Sierra and LucasArts adventure games), I like to explore every area and chose every dialog option. I felt like Divinity was just too huge to do that and also it didn't make sense to play that way. I think you're supposed to just pick on dialogue option and stick with it like you're role playing (it is an RPG), but that's not how I like to play!
You do have to get used to making decisions about your journey, like you are a real person in the situation.