An open network for secure, decentralized communication
I wish it was easier to get friends to switch.
Why don't they? What are their reasons?
A fun anecdote.
When I was struggling to get my friends to join Signal, the main bottleneck was a friend whose friends used Signal to cheat on their partners 😳😔🤌🙄. Since my friend had a partner, they didn’t want to give off the wrong signal...
What did the trick was Elon Musk tweeting “Use Signal”, 40 million people downloading it in a day, and, perhaps critically, me deleting our WhatsApp group chat.
Hopefully switching to Matrix once easy native stickers are added to the main clients won’t be as hard.
They don't really give good reasons other than not wanting to download another app and already having other working alternatives (although they are not privacy friendly).
Finally a good news!
Hopefully more people use Matrix soon
So cool. I can get why. The celebration effect for the emote is pretty dope. And I'm not kidding thats a thing on element
lol I haven't seen it. I mostly use Element as a leisure browsing app... I'll make it a daily chat app when Element/other-clients add native stickers that aren't hard to customize.
But that emote sounds cool
Now I’m curious. What kind of stuff is there to leisurely browse on matrix? I always thought it was just highly specific, mostly tech chat channels.
You’re right! It’s sort of odd... I guess it’s sort of a ‘browsing outside of a store, looking inside and wishing you’d be able to fully participate’ kind of browsing. I just go in, see what people are saying in the rooms I care about, and leave...
Oh yeah. I haven't really understood how stickers work at all