Jeiyan is a city in Tian where the residents are kept as young as children by a magic fountain of youth that they made overactive by filling it with youth potions. They take maturity potions to prevent themselves from losing their wisdom and becoming childish, and this also helps them from reverting to even younger ages where they would lose the abilities to walk and talk.
Their city was founded in the endless clouds, around the large sacred fountain that existed there as something that was dreamed into existence by Rhinne, and carried her energies. It attracted those who sought presence and mindfulness in the moment. The small village that was settled quickly became the large city it is now once word spread and people visited to spend time in its energy.
Those who wish to learn time magic for specific purposes or become chronomages are also known to reside in Jeiyan, but this is controversial because they blur the order of time. They make manifestations and other blessings appear faster or before they are actually granted, but chronomancy can also cause flashbacks, aging, youthing, dissociation or deja vu in humans. Time magic is less of a controversy outside of Jeiyan, where people have a less intense and purposeful connection with the flow of existence.
Their mayoral deity is a New God by the name of Chronolius XVI (The Sixteenth) who rules over the city from the center and is known for his calm and collected demeanor and the golden chair he sits on as well as for an incident where an assassination attempt caused him to fall into the city’s fountain with a golden arrow still in his chest. He rules over the city with timekeeper monks in brown robes just like the ones who care for the temple of Rhinne herself. The Grand Temple of Jeiyan is a location where timekeeper monks are trained because of this.