Is there a list somewhere of all the brewers that fit in the base of a switch?
I'd love a switch that can brew two cups
The Oromo people would customarily plant a coffee tree on the graves of powerful sorcerers. They believed that the first coffee bush sprang up from the tears that the god of heaven shed over the corpse of a dead sorcerer.
Is there a list somewhere of all the brewers that fit in the base of a switch?
I'd love a switch that can brew two cups
You can buy the size 03 version. That's what I already have actually. With 03, you can brew 30gr of coffee with 450gr of water in one go.
With 02, you can also brew 2 cups, but using release-steep-release method. Open the valve, add 30gr coffee, then 225gr hot water. After water has passed through, close the valve, then add another 225gr water. Steep for 1-2 minutes, then open the valve again.
Aside from that, according to Lance Hedrick, kono and Stagg also fits.
Neat! I haven't tried a steep-and-release brewer yet
It's really good :)
Easy to use, easy to clean, very consistent, and produces great cups of coffee.
Is it much different than the Clever as far as the outcome? I already have the Clever and am wondering if the Switch would be an upgrade or just a "same-same" kinda thing.
I don't have a clever, but from what I've seen, switch has a slightly better work flow and flexibility.
You can mix immersion and percolation with more ease. That's what I do sometimes, something similar to this recipe:
I'm sure you can replicate it using clever, but I believe that involves moving the brewer on and off the cup/carafe/server.
You can do any ratio of steep and release combination easier with switch IMO, just based on observation.
Thanks for the input on this! I'm trying to gauge if the a switch would be worth getting.
If I was buying for the first time or replacing a broken Clever, I'd probably get the Hario, as it seems like it can do a little more. For now, it sounds like the benefit may not justify the cost.
I agree that it might not be a huge jump going to switch. Clever is already a great brewer.
Gotta try this. Thanks for posting
Less worry when brewing coffee in the morning when you just wake up lol.
Longer drawdown time though, because there are almost no ribs in the inner wall.