I think Zhongli has a death flag. Narratively, he's got nothing else interesting going on, now he's retired. It's a natural plot point to have him go out in a blaze of glory protecting Liyue one last time (and also, as you said, redeeming the archons for what went down in Khaenriah).
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but will he die as an archon or a funeral parlor consultant?
The people of Liyue already saw their god die once, experiencing that again might be too much for them. Not to mention Hu Tao, she was the one closest to him, and even though she fully understood the concept of life and death, she definitely knew Zhongli's identity and expected him to outlive her, seeing someone whom she thought would always stay by her side leaving her must be devastating. This time maybe Qiqi would come to Hu Tao to console her instead of running away from her.
It's very hard to say, if they kill any character in my opinion will be right at the end of the game as I'm sure they want to keep selling banners.
I have a feeling that the abyss sibling is already dead/will die like we are trapped in a cycle and all of this happened already.
I'm also think that not all archons will be playable and we will see a replacement show up, a new archon.
But idk that's just me and my theories.
Never thought of abyss sibling being dead being a possibility. Would be interesting contrast since we the MC are usually referred to as an observer and doesn't erode by implication... 👀
What is the "fate" that the abyss sibling is actively fighting? Why everyone talks about this "fate" as it already happened?