Been working on this for more than a month now, I hope you will like it! This is my most complex project so far.
Only for Midlander Based! TBSE is required for the mod to work.
Comes with multiple options:
- 2 Designs for the kimono and the pants + Dyaeble version for both!
- Both the shirt and the bandages are dyable!
- Necklace Included!
Replaces Casual Jacket, Casual Halfslops, Emperor new Bracelet and Emperor new Necklace!
Creator Page
IPFS aHR0cHM6Ly9pcGZzLmlvL2lwZnMvUW1WMTdvclVReGliSnNxM293N1loSm5XdldzcjM0R0ZEcGc0WHhXdFd3bzdTYj9maWxlbmFtZT1TaGlidWkudHRtcDI=