this post was submitted on 03 Nov 2023
35 points (92.7% liked)
Lemmynade for Lemmy
485 readers
1 users here now
Announcements and news about the refreshing web app for Lemmy.
Why Lemmynade?
- Thoughtful — Lemmynade's ultimate goal is to make Lemmy more approachable, powerful, shareable, and usable. Every pixel and feature aims to support Lemmy's development, growth, and sustainability for the long run.
- Private — From login to logout, each interaction is as private and secure as possible. Only aggregated, anonymized statistics are collected through open-source Plausible Analytics.
- Stunning — Sweeping community banners, friendly micro-animations, and user-driven features bring life and personality to Lemmy.
- Vibrant — Explore niche and trending Lemmy communities with a unique discovery algorithm.
- Responsive (Coming Soon) — Enjoy the same familiar experience on your phone, tablet, and computer.
Made by @[email protected] with [email protected]
founded 2 years ago
Is there a (rough) timeline as to when we’d be able to help test? I’d love to test it out, it looks gorgeous!!!
Lemmy v0.19 and some health issues in the family have both pushed things behind schedule a bit, but everything’s good now. We’re looking at within the next month if all goes according to plan :)
I hope all is well now! Looking forward to helping test