Not a fan of the yinding but nice build.
Portable illumination
- Be excellent to each other
- Don't be the reason we need to make more rules
Holy shit dude, this build is amazing! Great work!
Thanks man, you inspire me to do these kind of mods. And of course, it would not have been possible without the adapter you designed.
Awesome work!
It's hard for me to see, but does the Yingding have a tighter spot?
The KR1 SFT40 still has a bit more candela. The hotspots are similar in size but the Yinding has much less spill.
Such a cool mod!! I hope the SFT40 3000K ends up looking this good. I don't have it in me to do a mod this extensive.
Thank you. I hope so too, and high CRI!
I just saw this posted over at BLF (credits go to koef3 and Simon from Convoy).
The tint of that sample is at or above BBL. Fingers crossed for some rosy ones when they are actually released. Though I would not use an apheric lens to make a square beam out of one. And the reflector options for 5050 LEDS in the FW1A mean that it won't be as throwy as a CULPM1 in a smooth reflector.