Gloomhaven by far. I just wish there was a good way to convert my physical campaign I've already been playing over into the digital version.
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Came here to say the same. The rules and upkeep is so finicky in the real version, and the digital just handles it. The digital version is still kinda janky, but miles better
I really love Terraforming Mars, but between the huge deck of project cards, the tons of little resource cubes, and the tiles on the board, it’s a lot of pieces to manage. I have a physical copy of the game and enjoy playing it, but it’s nice to have a digital version which keeps things clean and tidy when you want to play it quickly.
That's my pick too. I like Ares Expedition on the table but for original TF I stick to digital.
Through the Ages is probably the best example of a boardgame that works better in digital form. Asynchronous in particular.
Besides Gloomhaven, I have to shout out Race for the Galaxy. The physical version isn't bad, but the digital is so well made and so snappy, and with the AI I can play a full game in 5 minutes. Just wonderful experience
I have played a ton of Star Realms digital thanks to the great organized play community on BGG. It has hurt my chances of ever playing it in person outside of rare tournaments (my friends are either already playing against me in the app or are afraid to play), but it does not stop me from buying all of the physical products.
Hero Realms is on the same trajectory (through the co-op campaign is not yet available on digital); and it is being made worse because the app is getting balance errata that are not yet in print.
I love digital adaptions of crunchier games. I learned to play Spirit Island from the digital version. Also enjoyed the digital versions of Root, Everdell, and Wingspan. I want to get Sagrada soon and try that one.
I am big fan of the digital version of Race for the Galaxy (and the in person version) mainly due to the speed at which it can be played and not having to shuffle constantly.
I like the digital version of Castles of Burgundy better than the physical copy. There's a lot of fiddily bits in the physical copy and it's just easier to deal with the digital version.
Star realms because it is a great "on the go" game and having a constant stream of online opponents is great.
Axis and Allies... sort of... because it makes it easier to play over a long time if you cannot get the gang together for a full day of playing.
Fury of Dracula for me. None of my usual game group wants to commit to a in person game of it, so this is the only way I get to play it.