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I've got half a dozen tubes floating around somewhere in various totes and drawers.
Not gonna slut-shame you
This would be funny if it wasn't so true : /
Doesn't thermal compound experies? I thought after some years it would not work anymore.
It’s important to give it a taste test every few years.
I didn't notice any breakdown of the paste. It typically dries out over time once applied, this was still the same consistency throughout its life (in the tube)
This has been my experience with MX-4 as well. It's really really really stable. I've never had to re-apply MX-4 due to it drying out, either. (It's supposed to last at least 8 years in use.)
The same tube has been sitting in my drawer and every time I've needed it, every few years, it's been good.
I have decade old tubes. Maybe some bits around the entrance can dry out if you didn't clean them after use but it doesn't seem to be an issue for mine as far as the inside stuff goes (of course I put the cap back on as well).
I think it doesn't hurt to try before buying a new tube. If once you apply it you see a drop in temps and fan noise, then it's obviously still good.
It loses conductivity mostly due to drying out, so a sealed tube should keep it good for a long time.
As someone who upgrades / rebuilds rarely I have more thermal paste than I know what to do with. lol
I'm pretty sure I still have a bit of Arctic Silver 3 lying around somewhere...
That's incredible. I typically only get 1 use out of mine.
Far out, how much you putting on? As far as I’m aware, doing a cross over the processor is all that’s needed
I know it's an animation but the fact that it starts to liquefy kinda weirds me out a bit.
Oh, so that's why i cooked that one cpu. I applied it wrong!
1 tube per processor but sometimes I get hungry and need 2.
Hey I respect it man.
Even that's a bit much. For normal sized CPUs, a dot in the middle a tad smaller than a pea is enough to cover the IHS.
Idk the tube of arcticnaut I have came with a little wide applicator that I used to just kinda paint the whole thing in the thinnest layer possible with the coherence of the paste being what it is. Squished out a bit over the sides but didn't get around the socket or anything.
Idk what Thermal Grizzly Cryonaut comes with but dammit if it doesn't do the job. I've seen 70C on my CPU once and that was during a video render, a game has never broken that barrier. It's Ryzen Master Auto O/C'd so idk what it would be getting without that boost in performance.
What are you installing, a threadripper every time?
You don't need much at all, just barely enough to cover the IHS in the thinnest possible layer.
I have a big tube that I don't think I can ever use up. I have used like less than 10% in a decade.