I think it’s neat that it exists. But I haven’t watched much of it.
A place for NFL news, game highlights and everything that excites you about American Football.
Remove Eli. He has a face you just want to punch 👊🏽!!
Eli is so bad. He has some decent quips here or there but hes bad at everything else. There we just stares at the screen open-mouthed is not interesting
Two boring middle-aged dudes talking football in between plays on a couch for 3 hours isn't entertaining.
quit with the guests and have them at a few games or in a studio a couple times a year and it would explode
The only people that should be allowed as guests are former players. Anything else is a distraction
IM sure it has nothing to do with the state of the primetime games in the NFL this year. I love the manningcast, especially over aikmans weird commentary this year, but ther was basically only two good games all year...,
If ESPN can eat fines for Pat McAfee swearing Manningcast can have permanent guest spot open for Marshawn Lynch
He was absolutely perfect set against both Peyton and Eli
Also doesn’t help that you’ve had some really shitty teams/matchups on MNF
I mean the Giants were there and we only put up 3 points that Monday night, who the hell wants to watch that
it got worse the minute espn realized it was popualr and started overproducing it. just have the 2 guys and anyone they are actually friends with shooting the shit. i dont want and scripted segments. dead air is fine.
Doesn’t help that you can’t watch it on TV in Canada now.
I mean 90% of the MNF matchups are shit. I’d rather play videogames
Shouting into the echo chamber but I feel like less irrelevant guests would do good work. The entire appeal of the ManningCast was that it was two dudes hanging out who also knew their shit about football. The more it gets away from that, the more it becomes just another broadcast.
I am willingly switching to Joe Buck and Troy Aikman during games because I'd like commentary on the sport I am watching and not rambling bs about nothing. Its fun if the game is a boring trash heap to have this stuff but not all the damn time.
It's about as good an idea as watching an entire game in "Andy's Room" on DisneyPus (eww!)
I don’t understand how they thought getting a show with Peyton commenting on Monday night games and turning it into cringy bits constantly would work? How do they not realize that the majority of people that want to watch that want to watch because it’s Peyton freaking Manning? We want to hear commentary from one of the all time greats — an opportunity to pull back the curtain a little bit. But they spend like 2/3rds of the show talking to totally unrelated guests and just shit talking each other. No thanks.
They lost me the first time I tried listening to that hillbilly ass accent Peyton has.
Well Eli looks lost all the time and the show isn’t that entertaining.
The audio and video quality of the Manningcast is so much worse than the main cast. I don't like that 20% of the screen is their faces which makes the game smaller. The sound quality is muted down and ambient sounds like crowd noise are all lost so the game just sounds terrible.
I would watch it much more if it was just the regular AV broadcast with the Mannings doing basically color commentary with no play by play guy. I don't need to see their faces the whole game.
The show fucking sucks. I want to hear about and watch football. I don't want them talking to each other or to guests about random bullshit when the game is on.
The guests just have a weird chemistry. There’s always somebody talking over somebody. Some silent moments. Just have Peyton and Eli and it’d be way better. Ideally they’d be in the same room too
Eli sucks. Some of the guests are good football talks but most are a waste of time. I’d rather them and a 3rd guest (who could add football value) every week were in the same room just watching the game.
dude they need guests to talk about football. the game. not a book, a new show or movie, talk about the game of football. When Payton and Eli break down coverages and playcalls thats the absolute best part of Manningcast. sadly thats like 10% of what they do on the show.
It's probably because the the Manning brothers have the charisma of half a toe
Easy they went from something organic to a commercialized product.
The show worked because it was two idiots gushing over football!
The Mannings don't want to make the effort to be in the same place together to watch the game and avoid the terribly awkward lag. So why should I make the effort to tune in?
The guests are usually uninteresting and just further detract from the game, which is the reason I'm watching in the first place.
I'm trying to watch the game, not listen to a bunch of vanilla late night show bullshit with fake laughs and childish 100% safe, unoffensive humor.
I just don't see what there is to like about it. Peyton and Eli grifted ESPN into paying them to live-react to the game every week, from their own house, and basically be ESPN's once-a-week Jay Leno. Good for them, I guess.
This is so stupidly simple:
I just want to watch the game and get some insights from people that know the game well.
If you absolutely must have someone else on, make sure it's a damn football person. I literally couldn't care less about Arnold damn Schwarzenegger and whatever babbling bullshit he was talking about. .
Also never have Screamin A Smith or Skip Bayless or any of those dumbass sports jocks on there. NE.VER.
They need to stop with non football guests, and discuss the game and plays more. It was great when they had Brady and n
Guests suck. CHANGE IT, ESPN
I tried watching when the Seahawks played but it just seemed so over the top and stupid. Plus they both seem to be super against Seattle so IDC for em.
Granted the only time I've watched Seattle played the broncos and giants so I guess I understand the bias.
The format designed around pandemic isolation and suffers now for keeping it
They explained how to identify man vs zone by who is lined up across from the running back, with just the two of them. It was great and informative. This was 5 minutes after they photoshopped Peyton's hair onto Trevor Lawrence for a joke that went on way too long.
As a pats fan my love for the Mannings is uh finite lol, but for sure they are not the problem.
Football this year has been ugly as shit and has had some of the most objectionable officiating in recent memory (moving the ball in the Baltimore game to gift a first down, blowing a fumble dead in pats dolphins, etc etc etc).
Straight up the nfl is a dogshit product this year. The games are shitty and the super stars aren’t really superstarring.
Well, same 'ol, same 'ol, does get old after awhile.
Because it sucks due to all the arbitrary guests
Show slows down a lot when they get guests and they’re forced to ask them all sorts of meaningless questions that neither brother cares about. Right now it’s a producing issue.
I’m pretty dumb when it comes to tv stuff but the manning cast seems hard to find for me. I have the nfl + subscription but never see the manning cast as an option. Would really like to watch it 🤷🏼♂️
I can't even watch it in Canada, have to buy another BS streaming service...
manningcast was fun when the main crew sucked. it’s joe buck and troy aikman now. why bother
Accessibility is an issue.
It’s great for snippets of the show on short form media, but it’s not easy for any regular person to tune in.
In my opinion, the toughest thing about the Manningcast isn't the guests. Its that they are competing with the best color commentary duo in the NFL.
If it was Al Michaels and Kirk Herbstreit on the other channel, you can bet your ass I'd rather watch Manningcast, but I ain't putting them on over Troy and Joe.
I watched manning cast one time and was like fuck this.
I liked Arnold though… am I basic? Also I liked watching Peyton dancing and showing off all the play calls and describing what they mean.
I wish they would drop the interviews. Eli and Peyton talking about the game is enough for me. When they have interviews I switch off and now that the main crew doesn't suck I forget to switchback most times.
Just stop having guest appearances. The ManningCast is great because Peyton is awesome, and Eli is funny. I don't want to see Will Ferrell or Arnold Schwarzenegger. I want to see football.
It was telling that when they had Jon Stewart on, a man I fucking adore, I could not give less of a shit about him being there. It got in the way of football.
Good, Peyton’s piece of shit human.
I really don’t want to see the game I’m 2/3rds the normal size with the other 1/3rf just being their faces. Just broadcast together as is, it’s phenomenal. Maybe an online stream for those who want to see all the gimmicks?
Hot take: I’ve really enjoyed Buck and Aikman on MNF. So it was easy for me to switch off of the ManningPlugCast back to the regular broadcast
Honestly, they missed a few weeks so wasn’t sure if they were on or not, but also Monday night matchups have been kinda bad this year. Packers Raiders? Lions Raiders? I like the Lions but I’m not exactly thinking that’s a marquee matchup.
It's either just the brothers or them and a current or retired football player. No more boring celebrity's