Oh no ESPN/disney is out of touch and makes everything ULTRA corporate? No way! Fuck em
A place for NFL news, game highlights and everything that excites you about American Football.
I want to watch football, not listen to a shitty podcast.
I’m Irish so I don’t watch American sports too regularly, and when I do it’s only the big games in the NFL / NBA or the final few playoff games.
But here’s my 2 cents from an outsiders perspective. The sports I watch the most are the Gaelic Games (hurling & football), and rugby. These sports are 40 mins of non stop action, half time, 40 mins of non stop action, end. American sports are RIDDLED with advertisements at every available opportunity. Timeout? Ad break. Turnover? Ad break. Injury? Ad break. Penalty? Ad break, I could go on.
Now it seems as though the NFL aren’t happy with having ads between every single passage of play, they want to also incorporate ads in to the commentary as the play is happening, as per this example of Arnold plugging his book.
Couple this with two dudes who are utterly passionate about the game being played, and the guests just there to promote themselves, you can really see why this system is kinda set up to fail, which is unfortunate.
It’s just another 90s talk show of a different flavor.
Tired formula. They’re playing too much.
You book guests to serve as ads and I'm gonna tune out. I mean fuck me everything that is even the slightest bit enjoyable shouldn't be seen as an opportunity to hawk products you don't give a shit about.
It’s so much better when it’s just the two of them, or the guest is someone knowledgeable about football AND interested in the game. When they bring in random actors who barely know what a forward pass is, then it gets cringe.
Maybe they should stop trying to turn it into the Jimmy Kimmel Show.
I love Arnold, but he was a horrible guest. There've been a few others too. When they have ex-players on I enjoy it a lot, but other random celebrities being on there absolutely sucks! Stop inviting bozos who didn't at least play college football and keep the chat about things outside of football and this game out of the broadcast.
While the quality of some primetime games seems to be on the decline, I just don't appreciate how this show tries to do too much. I don't think it's what real football fans want from these two or non football fans. I just want a watch along with two SB winning QBs.
But the flow with guests, the commercials all the time (not their fault), just sucks.
Honestly it’s the guests they are choosing. The delay in communication also doesn’t help… continually talking over each other and the guest.
I haven’t really watched manning cast recently but I’d say it doesn’t help their viewership when Aikman and Buck are actually a good crew
It was a nice gimmick a few years ago, but it’s run it’s course.
I think this concept would make baseball better though
That’s a great point. Baseball is mired in 1956. It needs to kick in the pants and the Manning cast idea would help baseball tremendously.
Never watched it.
It’s the worst thing ever. Can’t take it. I don’t know how it lasted one season.
They need to keep it to guests that understand that it’s not a podcast about them. The game is the main focus and they’re there to compliment that not go on for 10 minutes about something and never pause when something happens in the game.
The game has barely been the main focus of the Manningcast.
I can’t even watch it. Guest or no guest, I find it super awkward. (Though guests do seem to actually make it worse. Not because they’re boring, but because the bros don’t actually give them a chance to say anything.) Prime time games haven’t been super exciting anyways but they’re not really bringing anything to the table unless they’re actually talking about the game or their on field experiences. I like to compare it to wet cardboard.
Example. Guest gets the opportunity to finally something interesting, gets cut off, Ok thanks for coming on guest, We gotta go to commercial!
It's always been unwatchable lol
It's not available in Canada anymore. That can't help. Don't know if those numbers are included. But as a Canadian, I'm pissed that I can't watch it anymore.
Joe Buck and Troy Aikman are better
Also, don't have Joe and Troy as the main announcers. They are respected and many people don't mind watching them. When the Manning cast first started the main announcers weren't good at all, so listening to the Manning's was better.
I would watch if espn+ actually aired games.
ESPN killed it
Haven’t watched them this year. Last year I switched to the normal broadcast after a couple Manningcasts. The first year was good, ‘cause they actually had football fans/players come on and talk about football. Even if it wasn’t about the game, at least you’d get to hear a story about fuckin idk Dr. Seuss winning the state championship in high school with a strip sack six.
idk if it was Payton or ESPN execs (definitely wasn’t Eli), but someone decided to start selling out and now we get either 1) A drugged up ARodgers, 2) A woman who is genuinely a fan but brings little to no substance to the conversation because she probably doesn’t really watch it, or 3) Some doofus selling a book/movie/comedy special/shit.
I’ll stick with Troe Buckman slowly transistion to the part of their career where they might get fired for saying something.
ESPN shot themselves in the foot, to the surprise of no one. Yes the Manning Cast has too many celeb guests now and it makes watching a chore because they don't even talk football a lot of the time. Manningcast was way more engaging when they had other players on.
But arguably the bigger issue is that the MNF crew is now Aikman and Buck, who are actively a good pair compared to the horrible trio of Levy, Griese, and Riddick. I used to tune into the Manningcast mainly because they were the better alternative. Now Buck and Aikman are good and I have zero reason to watch the Manningcast.
ESPN is paying a shitload of money to cannabalize their own broadcasts.
No one and I mean no one saw this coming. 😂
Twitter loves to take the piss out of Joe Buck and Troy Aikmam but once again the internet is the ultimate echo chamber as a pro announcer team is beating out two brothers watching football from their basements.
No one and I mean no one could predict this outcome.
Hadn’t watched the MC since the first few games they did but I flipped it on last week. It was just some rando droning on about nothing football related so went back to the regular broadcast after about 5 mins. Seems like that’s the common problem here.
I never saw the appeal
For me, I watched them when I did not like the MNF booth, I am probably in the minority but I like Joe and Troy.
I would watch the show, but it went from ESPN+ to ESPN2 which I can't stream. Lost a viewer. I find "other" means to watch ESPN. These "other" means don't have ESPN2. O well.
I could use less guests, but I would watch ManningCast on every game if I could
The first couple were great, it was better commentating. Then they added a talk show in front of a football game and i couldn’t turn it off fast enough.
Everyone but the manningcast realizes eli and Peyton are the show, not guests.
Imo it's because they shit all over any team that loses badly. It's a quick way to lose your audience. They're too critical, people wanna see hype not downers. It's mostly Peyton, Eli is still great
I think the actual issue is Thursday and Monday night games this year are some of the most boring matchups ever. When I see the bears, saints, panthers, or cardinals I just automatically decide not to watch that garbage
Novelty wore off. Plus Troy and Joe are pretty damn good
What else is ESPN going to air if not for ManningCast? Replays?
I really don’t enjoy their commentary. It’s like I’m Listening to two people on/off watching the game. They don’t really comment on the game and will Casually talk about something not related. Hard to follow along and be focused on the game.
I like their style of comedy outside of this tho
just get rid of the guests, Bill Simmons built a media empire off talking casually about football with his friends and he doesn’t even know what he’s talking about
I watched my first one this weekend during the first half of the game. It was super cringe. The hand signal audible bit went on wayyyy too long and Arnold couldn’t have cared less about the game.
As others have said, the show has become less about the game and more about everything else which is just not football. I came to see two football greats talk about the game I'm watching while also having a few fun brother jabs at each other.
I never tuned in.
Cause they ruined what made it interesting, watching football with the boys. Now it's late night show with football in the background.
I know it's shocking to ESPN, but some of us actually want to watch the game.
Who knew people just want to watch the game…..weird.
They spend too much time talking about not football during football. I would rather watch the coverage of the game so I can follow the game. Fucking talk show now.
I've more or less stopped watching the ManningCast and the biggest reason is that Joe and Troy do Monday night football now. When the ManningCast started ESPN had an absoltuely horrible booth for MNF and any other commentary was better. But now, I'd rather listen to Joe and Troy than whoever the guest is for that quarter