Hey /u/NFL there is a lot of useful feedback from football fans in this thread. Instead of stroking highlight videos spend time reading comments and improving your product. I know the show is ESPN run but the NFL has to have some sway.
A place for NFL news, game highlights and everything that excites you about American Football.
the problem is i really want to hear them commentate a game together. but i don’t want to see them. i still want to see the game. they take up a giant portion of the screen
Maybe they should air it over standard networks rather than make people upgrade their service in order to get the broadcasts. My mom has a premium TV package with 6 different sports options, but she doesn't get the Manningcast anymore unless she opts for another upgrade to her service.
I honestly think Joe Buck/Troy Aikman have had a larger impact than the guests have. The ManningCast started because ESPN's broadcasts were a joke. Bringing in Buck/Aikman brought a sense of importance to Monday Night Football that hadn't been there in many, many years.
Once the Kelce brothers retire a KelceCast would do soooooo much better.
The only guests should have been former players who help analyze things or coaches or people we don't have access to on Thursdays before the Sunday games. Otherwise, just leave it Peyton and Eli.
Hard to believe they managed to screw it up like this.
It would be nearly impossible to do this, but the guests need to be dependent on the game itself. It's fun to watch the Mannings break down a close competitive game and react to big plays, but a lot of the games have been a snoozefest by the 3rd quarter. That's when you could bring a guest in. But I realize the logistics of a "stand-by" guest would be next to impossible to pull off.
I love the Manning cast when they have other NFL (active or retired) players on.
When anyone else is on it’s so annoying to watch.
I know we European fans are not taken all that seriously but there is a significant market here and, even though I watch the NFL every week with a strong commitment and little fucks about how much of a zombie I am on mondays, tuning into MNF is simply impossible for us. Would love to watch the ManningCast tho
I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't enjoy it.
I like it
They turned it into a talkshow.
I don't mind celebrity guests but they should contribute to the commentary of the game and not just plug their latest whatever.
I'm not surprised. It was a cool novelty but it's just become a chat show with a game playing in the background. The crowd noise being so low makes you feel detached anyway, throw in the fame seeking guests and it really isn't that interesting.
Seeing Peyton and Eli actually talk ball, break down coverages, formations, thought processes, tendencies etc would be great to watch but I can't see it happening.
It’s all in the producers. Always bringing shit where it doesn’t belong… if they both went and did a live podcast it would be 1000% better.
Just let them talk shit and bring other players they want to talk further shit
As a cowboys fan im ok with this
Quit having Aaron Rodgers on and I'll watch it.
I agree with everyone else about them needing to tone it down with the guests. I'll add that it's also the fact ESPN poached Troy and Joe from fox. Before that the manning cast was new, but mainly they were competing with a trash main broadcast.
Classic case of not understanding the audience. Why would football fans want to listen to celebs shill whatever they're currently selling while MNF is on lol. They need to keep it about the game if they don't want people changing the channel.
in other news, peyton manning just co-hosted the CMAs with Luke Bryan last night
To me the manningcast is the perfect example of producers having "good ideas" that, surprise-surprise , nobody but those producers want.
People watched originally because it is interesting to hear two great QBs talk about what is happening in the game and what the qb or defense is trying to do from an X's and O's perspective. It was funny ad well because it was unpolished banter from two brothers, not because they had pre-planned jokes. Football fans DO NOT CARE what book or mivie some random celebrity has coming up--we want more intelligent and more in-depth breakdowns of what is happening on the field other than typical broadcast nonsense.
I swear the producers and creators at espn don't actually watch sports because they seem to have zero clue what sports fans want to see
Who doesn't like watching a celebrity talk about their upcoming work, get interrupted by a pass that hits the dirt, and then start over their promo
My fantasy league got together to watch a game and someone put it on the ManningCast, I begged them to change it after about 5 minutes because of how laughably bad it was. I didn't care about either Manning when they were playing, I certainly don't now.
The match ups usually suck. Can't remember last time I watched MNF.
Actually surprised people lasted this long. It’s been nothing but celebrity ads for a year or two now.
I’d watch it every single time if they didn’t have guests
I think the fact that they are not every week can affect the lower numbers as well. I know MNF is always on, I do not know when the ManningCast is on
First of all, the article is incredibly stupid because it doesn't mention at all what it was last year or the year before. Is it getting worse? We have no idea, the article doesn't say.
Second of all, MNF is normally ESPN only but Manningcast is on ESPN+, so it allowed people like me with the Disney bundle (I would never otherwise willingly sign up) to watch the game.
But with ABC I no longer need to do that. Anyone without cable is likely choosing that instead.
It's hard to tune in regularly when the show takes weeks off so you never know what weeks Manningcast is on.
Manning cast blows I’m watching the game to watch the game, it’s almost as bad as going to a Super Bowl party where no one’s watching the game (bill burr reference)
Because it's boring. As UT fan I love Peyton but I can't watch the manningcast at all
It got annoying. Plus, Aikman and Buck are great.
Agree on letting the players talk football. But Peyton (or anyone) standing in front of live action is terrible. We waited through one play and when it went into another we flipped to the game channel. He can show us his no huddle calls any time - post a video or something - shouldn't be blocking the game, live play should always be unobstructed.
Espn2 itself is harder to find this year. I use the xfinity app and there’s some weeks where they don’t show the broadcast at all.
Nfl needs to know its demo better. First, they shoved swift down our throats, and now guest stars just to promote their shit.
I don't have an opinion on TS, but my God the general nfl audience don't care about her. It would be the same with any celebrity. Like if the nfl kept showing LeBron cause he goes to every cowboy game would annoy the ever living fuck outta us.
That's because they're not funny, especially Payton, at least Eli is a lil funny, I like the commercials he does, but Payton needs to give it up as far as the comedy is concerned, let Eli be the funny guy 🤷🏿♂️
I’d maybe watch it if they removed all the guests. I just don’t care to watch the Mannings give really shitty interviews mid game
I would watch if streaming it was easier. ESPN is a headache to deal with.
Should do football focused guests. If they're gonna do non-football related/adjacent, do it at half time or something
It’s because it sucks. Who wants to watch the Manning’s watch football, especially with their overly biased remarks? I don’t know anyone that tunes into their show.
Another failing woke Disney project? Color me shocked
I love the Manningcast for the Manning brothers, not random idiots that join to talk about stupid shit. Give me more TB12 and other intelligent football players joining the broadcast to talk football.
I can’t remember the last time I watched one of the casts
Well that's cause it fucking sucks. Half the time the mannings want to talk about the game and the guest is going on a long stupid story ignoring the game, the other half the time they're talking about the game and just complaining about the QB play
I'd watch it if it was like one game a year and was a special event. It gets old after a little bit.
I just never could enjoy it. I think they're both funny but I guess I just prefer the traditional format of play-by-play with color commentary.
Novelty has worn off
After his Taylor Swift/Jets joke, I hope it fucking tanks.
ESPN/Disney is so out of touch with what the audience at large wants. It's pretty funny. People didn't tune into the ManningCast because they loved the banter with the random celebrity guests. They tuned in because they liked hearing former players break down what's going on during the game with added big brother-little brother shit-talking. My favorite is when Peyton gets pissed off at a bad play/play call and Eli starts laughing at how upset Peyton is getting.
I think they need less interviews with celebrities and more current / former players who are into football. I still like having an alternative broadcast than the main one.
Only NFL thing my wife will watch. Guest aren't so great. Some you can tell are not really off the cuff speakers and need to be scripted.
The guests need to either be very funny and know football or just know football. They don’t need to be players as long as they’re fans of the game who know what’s going on. Otherwise the show has become unwatchable during the guest segments where people are just pushing a product