Might be real, but the best course of action here is to contact your landlord's office and verify it before making any assumptions. You're on the right track.
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No personal information of any kind, including last names, addresses, and phone numbers.
No personal army requests.
This looks very fake.
I definitely thought so! But I received a response from my trusted contact at the office and it was legitimate.
Best course of action like others have said, contact the office directly. I'm not sure that it is a scam but if you have any suspicion then treat it as a scam. It's a bad habit on the sender's part to send it off where other people's emails can be grabbed.
One explanation, and it happened where I've worked, someone writes an email using the one PC that all supervisor level workers must use. Due to login credentials already in place, everything goes out from the wrong email and with the wrong signature by accident. Or they're training someone and the let them use their credentials.
Signs of scam:
- Being sent on the weekend when the office was closed
- Not sent to people that it should be sent
- Language is off
User's email account or the business email server may be hacked, so sending an email from a legitimate account doesn't guarantee legitimacy. I would lean toward being suspicious that the person was trying to get basic personal info (address is probably not a big deal) and if your responded, a more financial-related/personal information from you.
So, following up, was this a phishing email?
It turned out to be legitimate
Thx for the update.