I wonder…Can you also extend your example to do this with overlays?
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Not sure, I'm kinda new to Nix and used overlays only sparingly. Can you give me an example of what you'd like to see?
I may be wrong but I think I’ve seen it done to accomplish exactly what you’re doing here. Problem is, it is non-trivial and not that easy to understand in the documentation.
I've remembered that I once used it to pin docker to older version, is that what you had in mind? https://discourse.nixos.org/t/docker-run-and-docker-exec-error/30848/7?u=rikudou
Hmm, if you can find me a working example, I'll add it.
I was thinking about that too.
I've been tracking the version search issue on nixpkgs for the last 3 years. Your site is a major win on that front!
I still use Lazamar's tool regularly, so I'm thrilled to see a successor to it.
Devbox (a framework) has the most exhaustive version search for nix that I know of, but it's a bit of a pain because they assume you use devbox to install the package (instead of using nix to install the package)