Can we just only do player guests?
A place for NFL news, game highlights and everything that excites you about American Football.
“The wheels, the wheels though.”
I’m sorry is Mahomes making fun of Wilson? What an ass.
Does anyone actually like all the “Fecal Matter Brown” NFL gear?
Is it just me or has the Manningcast taken a dive in quality
Mahomes asking them not to Hype up Crosby before their their upcoming game was hilarious
This team does not want to play for this dude. Pegula has been nothing but bad luck since he signed Ville Leino. Or Billy Lame-o as my boy used to call him.
Stop trying to make "perfect prediction panel" a thing, guys. It's always forced in
Does Sutton not know how to secure the fucking ball Jesus Christ guy.
What’s going on with the sound this year? They have the game noise just overwhelming Peyton and Eli. We watch this broadcast to listen to them not the crowd noise.
97 having a blast
Are all their jokes on that clipboard thing
Manningcast somehow made non-guest segments shitty.
Payton fucking hates these refs lmao
Left too much time on the clock considering this has been last second GW FG week.
Ugh Patrick's really in his 7th year already? It feels like he was just a rookie coming in when we rested our starters against Denver.
Fluke INT tbh. Davis has to catch that
Peyton tryna pay attention to Eli, but really rather watch the game
Reminder that Mahomes did not answer whether it was a thong or not.
Anyone know where the clip of pat saying “you woke up the wrong mfer” is from? I don’t think i’ve ever seen/heard it before
Got 3 timeouts here E- might use one of them here
I want to see Pat Mahomes drop more F bombs than Brady but it won't happen
Not an inspiring guest list (If you’re gonna get Mahomes, at least get Miss Piggy or Fozzie Bear as one of the other guests), but it has a Cameronian task to do worse than SNF last night
Kyle Brandt? Hard pass.
Bills are a god damn mess, waste of Josh Allen
Eli saying it has been 8 years made me die a little inside
Nice National Anthem!
Already? Lol
"That's our ball."
Play your favs, Peyton.
“It’s been 8 years” really made me feel old holy shit
Maybe it's because I hear mahomes all the time but his voice is normal to me now lol
Just tuning in, how did the Broncos score so quickly??
these poor kids
Lucy sucks as the MIKE.
Who was snapping the ball?
I like the manningcast but when there are plays happening can we actually show that…
Hello, Buffalo are you there?
I wonder if Kyle Brandt is over at Eli’s with Sean Ohara
the kids had no idea what to do
Prime time curse. Everyone thinking chiefs and eagles is gonna be amazing, gonna end like 13-17
That Manningsplanation took way too long
Anyone have a link to this?? None of the usual streams seem to have it ..
I love Peyton. “Tipped ball interceptions should be illegal”
Wilson sliding into second base
Are these kids safe? Does someone need to check on them?
that looked like a glass of poop burger king
This is gonna be a long game
Can they show the actual game? I generally like the Manningcast, but it's becoming a bit of meme of itself
Have the people that made that T Mobile plane commercial been on a plane in the past 20 years?? "Cash or card?" Cash on a plane to pay for food? Are you insane??
Lucy moved on that.
I mean, healthy food and exercise could help with those issues as well.