Where were you win the Bills died
A place for NFL news, game highlights and everything that excites you about American Football.
I just wanna say….Alex Singleton is a DAWG
Peyton playing Warhammer
Joe Buck is the greatest announcer in sports history, fuck bob costas
a second class musician? couldn't even spring for first?
Sorry about the blowout. Please use any pent up anger against us and use it on the Bills tonight.
Even if we win this. It’s needs to be a convincing win. If it’s a nail bitter, safe to say season is over
I can't wait to see some cursed MNF graphics
"It puts the lotion on its skin" -Joe Buck
Also, everyone gets one flair. You people with two flairs need to figure your shit out. You get to pick one team by age 7 and you have to stick with them for life. Unless they pay a serial sexual assaulter 1/4 billion then you can switch.
gonna be like that, huh?
Oh shit, that was easy.
we got nuthin else to do yay
The amount of Charger fans in here talking shit is hilarious... you guys are 4-5 lol, calm down.
Yeah Cook isn’t the guy for them
Fuck sakes
Bills are rattled
Well damn
Oh so that’s how they’re gonna play today
Lol thanks for not deferring the toss
They should’ve deferred lmao
250 million dollars and multiple 1st round picks to have Wilson hand the ball off
James Cook lost one fumble this entire year and this staff treats him like crap. He won't be sad to see them gone, that's for damn sure.
Bro how are people blaming Josh Allen for that int? Went straight through Davis' hands.
Unless people think Allen rocketed it a little too hard in there?
Aikman’s ripping on Allen for throwing a bullet but Gabe Davis gotta have stronger hands
Can Russ finally cook a decent meal? Stay tuned to find out
Bills won’t have the luxury of blaming a coin toss for their playoff exit this year
God forgive me, but I’m gonna fuck my X-chair
Haters: “Russ is SO washed up, he’s A BAD. QUARTERBACK. You cannot say ANYTHING GOOD ABOUT RUSS because it goes against my narrative that he’s literally Beezelbub and the antichrist”
Russ leading a poised and playoff-bound broncos team to victory over the Fraudulent bills:
Is Jeudy playing tonight?
Honestly think benching Cook is bad coaching. Have some faith in your guy to rebound
I haven’t seen a team fall off so hard in the middle of the season in a long time. Literally destroyed Miami and decided that was it, that’s the season
So many drops on the Bills offense wtf
Mr. January for you
At least try to get that foot down bro
How are people blaming Josh Allen this game. He had the one throw that was almost a pick but his team is the one blowing chunks.
Ints like that shouldn’t count against the QB, change my mind
ball landed like 30 yards from anybody
Here comes the boo birds!
First 2 offensive plays looking absolutely craxy
At this rate whole team will be benched by half
Lots of Balls Coming that Hard! Gachigasm!
I need Broncos to win to elim another guy from my survivor pool. C'mon horsies.
Came here to read about the balls coming hard
Do Bills fans want HC/OC to be fired if they don’t turn it around and end up finishing only around .500?