So give Bryce Young a bit of a break is all I took from this
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Imagine that curve with Hoyer in the league.
I think this is a big reason why scoring and passing stats are down. That post about Kirk Cousins still being second in passing TDs is crazy considering how few games he has played. As these young QBs sort out the numbers should move back to a higher trajectory.
maybe this is why offenses are down
Lots of rookies and young backups starting this year
People are saying TB12. But how much of it was him?
Well, assuming a full, healthy season, Brady is 1/32 of all QB time. Him retiring at 43(?) and getting replaced by a 23(~) year old is 20 years, or an average age drop in QB’s by 20/32 years, or .625 years.
That’s a little over half a gridline… so he was by no means the only influence, or even the majority of the influence in the stat, but he was damn sure a HUGE one.
Brady, Brees, Ben, Rodgers...yea those 4 going down in a 3 year window will do that to ya lol
what do you mean the last quarter century only goes back to the late 90s?
oh fuck. it finally happened. I’m old.
Yeah now that Brady retired and dropped the median age by 10 years. 🤣
This is part of why there's this weird feeling that quarterback play has regressed and there's so little patience with new QBs, demanding they be elite in only a season or two. We're entering a new era in the NFL as far as QBs go and people need to slow down and realize these guys aren't going to develop into the new Brady, Rodgers, Montana, etc. in only a few years. They're younger than ever and therefore their timeline for development should be extended a season or two as a result.
Brady skews the data
Not surprised since we let the Colts kill a bunch of the olds recently
Basically the GOAT retiring dropped it. 10 SBs and 7 wins.. insane.
Not surprising. You’re going to go from old to young and back again. It’s cyclical and not at all surprising.