I enjoyed The Way of the Three. It's a hidden quest as it doesn't initially have a marker. From the Caldeum waypoint, head towards the hell gate and you find a mysterious symbol on the floor, an altar with three unlit braziers, and 3 plaques giving clues. I had fun deciphering the clues, but I guess you could just read a guide - the clues take you out across the map to find 3 hidden statues.
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The two that came to mind was the ones you brought up. Especially “By Three They Came”. I didn’t understand at first where it was going. But as soon as I understood that it ties into the intro cinematic I was floored!
But there’s a quest chain in Zarbinzet where a girl is possessed, which was quite cool.
I just completed that quest line today! It was sad how the girl’s mom never could accept her, even as she was convulsing and dying. It felt obvious that the young girl was not in control of what was happening. That bit of religious zealotry hit a little too close for comfort.
I really enjoyed that quest line and was struck by how much longer it went on than other side quests.
The one that jumps to mind is when the wife asks you to find her husband, she thinks he ran off with another woman. You end up finding him in the forest tied up in some Hellraiser torture/pleasure device completely skinned. I was playing with a pretty new gamer and they were straight shook lol
The crane and bear tribe quests are pretty rad, but that may be because I love barbarian stuff. Crane tribe got shafted by not having a waypoint but it also kind of plays into their story. And bear tribe gives you "the" and "bear" titles.