Definitely Denver
Las Vegas Raiders
We’re THE team. We don’t have any rivals. They rival us!
It changes with the years. When Elway was a Bronco it was them. The Phillip Rivers and LT with the Chargers it was them. Now Patrick Mahomes and Kelce are leading the Queefs so it’s them.
I pray on the 49ers downfall every second of my life
Denver but since we’re beating their ass my gate is currently fixated on the chiefs. Followed by the patriots
Owner and front office
When it comes to actual intensity on the field, nothing surpasses the intensity and hatred of playing the Broncos.
It will always be the donkeys. If you say "at the moment" anywhere in your reply - you're doing it wrong.
Broncos and Chiefs.
The raiders broncos and chiefs look at each other as rivals, none of the three look at chargers as actual hated rivals. Nobody cares about them
It’s close, but living in western Nebraska; the broncos edge the chiefs in a photo finish of hatred.
Found the old guy 🤝🏾
Who cares about the Chargers??
When the NFL decided to reorganize the conferences they asked every team who was their biggest rival in order to keep historic rivalries going. Every team in the AFC West chose the Raiders as their biggest rival. The Raiders left that answer blank
I hate the Chiefs. I pity the Broncos. I find the Chargers annoying. And every other team can suck it
Except Detroit, that's where my granddad is from and I need an NFC team anyway. But everyone else can get bent
Mark Davis
Broncos for me.
Does anyone else hate that this sub calls them the Queefs? Find it pretty stupid. Seems like an elementary school taunt. Idk anyone irl who says that.
NFL followed by the donkeys
We're 2-10 against the chiefs since 2017. Don't think you can call that a rivalry
Pre Pirate Bowl is den post is chiefs. OG OG I think is stealers.
But I mean is this genuinely a question one team is a revolving door of Super Bowls and one is hot trash.
I’d say probably Chiefs but I hate Denver the most because a lot of people in my area are Denver fans. I hate them with such a passion.
I get the Chiefs, but I grew up with it always being the broncos. Chiefs were sort of trash until the recent Mahomes era so I can see a shift to them now. But historically Chiefs and Raiders have been in the division longest. So it’s just personal preference at this point between Broncos and Chiefs for most imo
There are 31 teams in the NFL.
Then there are the Raiders.
49ers, Chiefs, Broncos, Chargers, Steelers.
I hate the Chiefs the most, but more Niner fans where I live.
Chiefs. I’ve hated the Chiefs since Marcus Allen played for them (and balled out on us). The Oakland/KC beef is so deep it transcends football…. RIP Mac Dre…
chiefs don’t see us as equals and tbh theyre not wrong. we own the broncos no matter how bad we are so I wouldn’t consider them rivals at this point. it’s pretty much a 50/50 game against the chargers every time we play em so I’d say them. plus we’re both from LA
Up until the Chiefs won their first SB, I hated the Broncos the most. Now it's purely Chiefs until we prove we can be a match for them every year
It used to be Broncos because that was my first division game I ever went to. But I fucking despise the Chiefs more than the Broncos now. But why not both? I really hate both of them
This one needed to be in a poll format
It's too close to call between the Queefs and Donks. Then probably the Pats, Steelers, Whiners and Chargers in the next tier. Seahawks still on the list from the old school AFCW days
Once the chargers get a better coaching scheme we're going to be fighting it out for the next 5 years straight