As @[email protected] points out, there is Malevolence which is a Haunted House adventure.
I'm currently running it for my group. Feel free to ask me anything!
As @[email protected] points out, there is Malevolence which is a Haunted House adventure.
I'm currently running it for my group. Feel free to ask me anything!
Did you ever find something for this or did you end up just converting Curse of Strahd?
Yeah I've ended up going with Curse of Strahd. Finally had my session 0 last weekend, and I've got my own custom-created ~2–3 session introduction before they get to Barovia, so if something happens to turn up I could still pivot, but at this point I'm expecting to go into Curse of Strahd fully. I'll be consulting this guide from the Alien site, and probably some other resources from that community to help.
Gotcha, that makes sense. You'd think there would be some kind of official Paizo vampire Adventure Path with Book of the Dead, I'm surprised there's still not one published tbh. Although, that's a great guide they put together, thanks for linking it! I don't plan on running CoS but I can use the conversions somewhere in my homebrew all the same haha
I think the closest thing that exists currently in PF2e official APs would be Blood Lords. I haven't played it, so I don't know how close to gothic horror it is, but it's the only really undead-themed one out right now.
There is also Malevolence and Night of the Grey Death, which are both horror themed. Based on the descriptions, Malevolence is more haunted house themed and Grey Death is more culty-themed. I haven't played either of these as well.
You might also look at the case files in Dark Archives; while not a full blown adventure path, they do hit on more of that Cthulu-esque dark fantasy.