at what point does the FO decide we need a new playcaller?
Las Vegas Raiders
Amazing renfrow play!!!!
This is the type of football they have to play to stay in it
Fuck Marcus Peters
Clearly our gameplan is to go three and out on runs ten times in a row so we can surprise them with 10 seconds left in the game with a play action
I like AOC, but we need a QB ya'll. This game has been close because of Miami's mistakes.
If we had an elite QB, we'd be up by 2 scores.
This is why they don’t want to let AOC throw much. He isn’t good. Get it thru your heads
aoc is a pretty good qb for us all things considered
Put jack jones in
There’s our turnover
D gonna make another stop?!
Edit: nvm
Why was no flag thrown for a PI? Adams clearly pushed.
That’s why you let playmakers make plays! If we see more of that from AOC, he may very well be our future qb!
3rd and 8 and of course hill is open… god dam gonna be a long day
That poor head linesman is going to be in the sun all damn day while the rest of the officials will mostly be in the shade
Are people really bitching about the defense in here? Football IQ of a sweet potato
Bo is a JMD guy. No surprise that he has no fucking nuts
This defense feels so much better than our 2016 defense. I wouldn't be surprised if they ended the season comfortably in top 10.
It’s wild how bad Peters is
Peters is a god damn NPC out here. Useless tit!
put fucking jack in, peters sucks
Oh now everyone is a genius saying that’s what you get for letting AOC pass lol
Ramsey is why we’ve been trying every run in the playbook… not out of it yet, but we can’t let them coast off this momentum
Offensive strategy hasnt made much sense
Is Mcdaniels calling the plays again?
Asking too much from the Defense to keep us in it playing the best offense in the league
Imagine if Raiders had
Nah, we'd ruin him.
Nice having a quarterback that can throw the ball deep.
No matter how hard the refs are trying to defeat the Raiders, we are bringing it today!!
Rumor has it that AOC doesn’t run as fast because of his big fat nuts weighing him down
Look at this guy #4
Regardless of whether his replacement has been good, if hurts seeing Ingold on the other side. Another classical example of JMD fixing something that wasn't broke to bring in one of his guys.
PRAISE JEEBUS , they called a penalty on Miami
Ironically I think Pierce would benefit greatly from a visor or at least some sunglasses
That Florida sun is no joke
Alright. Great stop D, do it again.
What happened from the beginning of the game until now? Why have they stopped throwing it down field. I'm so confused
Yikes dude lmao peters completely washed
LeT aOc CoOk…
If you've got a silver bullet, ace in the hole drive, now is the time guys.
well why don’t you switch those last 2 plays around and flea flick on 2nd? what’s the logic there? get the first down
2nd and 2 and we throw it twice
AOC gotta hit those looks, especially when Adams hasn’t caught the ball this half
Memories! Good ol Hunter
That was one hell of a throw
This is a big drive. If they chew up the clock, score. And get the ball at half that'll be really bad
That dime was sexy as fuck. Love how good the offense has been the past few weeks