Ppl really thought this team was solid after beating two of the worst offenses/teams lol. Back to reality guys
Las Vegas Raiders
Fumble fs
Holy shit we actually got one go our way
We need to finish drives. FGs not gonna beat the fins
I’ll take it.
Christ the Miami home cooking from refs is insane already
jakobi, davante, renfrow, mayer
lets get an offensive minded head coach to finally unlock all the firepower we have
Crowd chanting “ref you suck” after getting literally every call in this game so far. Shitty, low football IQ fan base, but we already knew that.
Throw 3 fucking yards idiots
Wtf was that?
To the idiots talking shit on O’Connell. Yeah, we all know he sucks. You are arguing with literally no one. He’s unfortunately the best QB on the roster. Just sit down and shut up.
Why was that interception not reviewed? He never fully secured it and there was movement on it all the way down
Welp back to running lol
Let the rook take a longer shot. Really nothing to lose in that situation. Give him a chance.
Wish we had McDaniels for this one.
Here we go guys
Annoucer wants a Miami td so bad lol
Not gonna complain about a call going our way but his forearm was definitely down
Might as well take a personal foul and hurt these fucks if we are going to get jobbed like this
Love the silence of the announcers when they realize there was jack shit on the replay
Remember people being offended at Vegas for the 14 point spread
Fucking penalty in the middle of the field killed the drive.
How can I get a mobile stream? I'm too paralyzed after back surgery to sit in front of the TV, I gotta watch from bed.
Aidan reminds me of goff
No flag thrown by the way. Defender tries tackling adams, no laundry. Cool
Wow, Maybe we won't waste the rest of Davante's career...
Incoming weak ass DPI in the endzone..
3 points off 3 turnovers is pathetic
We’re lucky dolphins having an off game I thought we’re were gonna get blown out
My heart cannot take another punt.
It pains me to say that this offense is letting us down so much. 13 points when the defense gives us 3 turnovers is just unacceptable. The offensive line has no push, it’s embarrassing
That's why Ramsey is a HOF player.
Mr stark I don’t feel so good… looks like the beginning of the end here
Constantly burned play zone
All I know is that the Raiders are holding their own despite MIA has the best offense right now.
If you had told me wed be within 4 halfway through the 3rd I woulda been happy as shit, but man not capitalizing on these turnovers and stops is frustrating. Still in a good spot it just has to start coming together on offense.
Ramsey covering Adams because he doesn't wanna see his daddy Renfrow
#Leave this Mcdumbass clone off the plane!!!!!
Wtf was that????
The team is much improved without McDaniels but still not very good.
Feel sorry for the defense
Offense is terrible
should’ve gone for it, can’t keep the dolphins offense at bay for so long
77 was holding and he still couldn’t stop him. This o line sucks
Pick 6 time
Anything can happen guys. It’s still a 1 score game
Raiders 70 Dolphins 20