is the platform's source code available?
This is the lemmy community of Monero (XMR), a secure, private, untraceable currency that is open-source and freely available to all.
Android (Cake Wallet) / (
iOS (Cake Wallet) / (
Instance tags for discoverability:
Monero, XMR, crypto, cryptocurrency
Not sure how much this can be trusted. The video doesn't load for me and only seems to accept donations via credit or bank :/
I believe they just launched it and it is for donations and tips for creators not for the platform at this point.
It just basically allows each video creator to post their Monero address in the tip button.
The platform owner also stated that they will be adding other privacy coins but no public coins. It is a good sign to see somewhat of a normie realize surveillance coins are inferior.
Ah I see, very cool. I like the little explainer about how they don't take cuts and can't know donation history.