en passant en croissant
Holy hell
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it should be "en passant sur le croissant"
en passant on croissant
problem solved
Ah fuck, is that fr*nch?
I'll buy that for a dollar!
This seems a great input for an image ia generator 😂
Chess on a croissant?
google en passant
Sacré bleu!
Holy hell
old response just dropped
Oh I was just thinking chess, but not a specific move within chess.
You've strangely misspelled holy hell
I'm out of the loop, can someone catch me up on the holy hell thing?
En passant has always been the most obscure chess rule, in online chess it's often reported as cheating. Which resulted in a lot of people saying "google en passant", on an unkown lemmy clone someone realising it's an actual chess move replied, holy hell, and a meme was born.
Holy hell
new response just dropped
This took me a couple seconds but I'm happy to report that once it clicked it got an out loud "oh my god" from me irl 🤦♀️
It got an out loud "holy hell" from me irl*
Chess on French pastry?
En passant on a croissant
Nice try, but that's definitely not it
Nope, he's right, it's a rather outdated move that I use to use in middle school to piss people off.
Google croissant
Is that a new service from them where you can learn to make French pastry?
New response just dropped
Fun fact: the French call it pastry from Vienna (viennoiserie)
Holy hell.
bxa3 on a pastry
Holy pastry!
I'm not sure if this counts, since all French just sounds to me like it rhymes with "croissant" ?
Where did the other white piece go?
Google en-passant
Holy hell!
I'm not gonna say the thing, but I did google it and learned something I didn't know.
Chess spread on crab bread?
Only thing not french in this meme is the text
Vous avez entendu parler d'elf on the shelf, maintenant préparez-vous pour en passant sur le croissant.
An peasant on the crescent
Made up move-a on a media-luna.
en passo on quaso
Ah, yes, En Croissant. Very important maneuver.