some defensive penalties are automatic 1st downs, it only makes sense to make some offensive penalties automatic 4th downs
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Worst idea of all time
I think that’s a bit extreme but it is weird that there’s really no downside to it
Something a little more subtle I’ve thought would be interesting was if the quarterback had to land the ball in the field of play on a throwaway.
They do get rewarded… with what amounts to a sack… which usually was “about” to happen had the Qb not thrown the ball away…
Even if the overall logic of it being THAT punishing made sense, which I choose not to argue with or against you on that point, I would still NEVER advocate for making a penalty that has been proven to be hella subjectively enforced... be more punishing. If this was like offsides which is much more often called consistently and correctly that would be one thing, but a penalty that on a WEEKLY basis I can find two instances of it being called differently based on distance to the "intended target"... no shot.
What? That's a stupid change.
Offenses are struggling enough as it is
Let’s not give the refs more ammo to nuke games on a whim.
Like, the loss of down is to "replace" the sack that was lost by the grounding.
I dont even understand how losing an entirely unrelated down makes sense...
No, that's dumb.
It should simply be changed so that it counts as intentional grounding even outside the pocket.
Too many QBs scramble outside the pocket, face an imminent loss of yards, then just chuck it so far over heads and out of bounds. It's ridiculous. Why is this allowed?
Speaking of which, why isn't intentional grounding a spot foul
I support this so a player can intentionally ground it on 3rd or 4th down to trigger 5th or 6th down.
No guys he's onto something, there should be a firing squad with drum mags that shoot and kill you if you commit intentional grounding.
I don't support that, but I do support changing intentional grounding to only be negated by a catchable ball like how it is required to trigger DPI. If you're being pressured and dirt a ball at the feet yards away from a blocking RB or TE, that should be treated as a sack. Force more actual plays when the defense wins at the LoS, will lead to more turnovers and excitement.
I feel like this gives Refs too much of an ability to influence the game.
I disagree, but i support adding a 5 yard penalty from the spot of the foul to make it worse than taking the sack
If they got the ball and threw it out the sideline instead of spiking it would it still be 2 downs?
If you don’t want to see the glue for most teams go down with injuries then you should want to see intentional grounding eliminated. To balance that out allow defense contact ONCE within ten yards from the line of scrimmage and make PI a 15 yard penalty instead of the spot of foul.
Yeah that's gonna be a no for me dog.
Rule change proposal: every time the Eagles do the tush push, one of their linemen is imprisoned for a minimum of five years. Kelce first. This will promote parity or something
Sounds great, while we're at it we should make all Packers-Bears games end in orgies. Penalty if no orgy is waterboy has to be the interim HC for a week.
Remove intentionally grounding and loosen up the ability to hit the quarterback. Borderline roughing passers should go to the defense, not the offense.
This is a terrible idea. The point of the grounding penalty is to turn intentional grounding into a sac. Loss of down and spot of the foul, it’s basically a sack. Why on earth would you lose an additional down? There is no other penalty like that, no precedent for a penalty like this, and it’s an awful idea.
I’m so sorry r/NFL I promise not all Lions fans are as stupid as OP
A lot of us are, but not all of them
The whole point of intentional grounding is it grants the defense a sack they had earned but for the illegal pass. A sack doesn’t cause the loss of an extra down.
Intentional grounding is essentially the photo negative of defensive pass interference. They both grant the non-offending team the high-value outcome that likely would have happened without the cheating.
spot of the foul and losing the down is penalty enough imo, basically like taking a sack at the spot of the throw