Is there somebody here using Nix(OS) who could teach me how to call this using a Python virtualenv where I deliberately setup pandas + seaborn before (in a shell)?
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Quick pain-saver tip
I highly recommend nix-direnv and the emacs direnv package. For this example, I quickly threw together a flake using a minimal template,
description = "Python environment for plotting with Seaborn";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-23.05-darwin;
flake-utils.url = github:numtide/flake-utils;
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils }:
flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
let pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
python = pkgs.python3.withPackages (ps: [
in {
devShell = pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = [ python ];
Then created a file .envrc
with the contents use flake
in the same directory as the flake.nix
file, and ran direnv allow
to allow use of it. I then used this org mode file to test,
Example of plotting from this [[][blog post]].
Some data to work with,
#+begin_src javascript :tangle data.njson
{"name": "Spock", "editor": "Emacs"}
{"name": "James Kirk", "editor": "Vim"}
{"name": "Dr McCoy", "editor": "Vim"}
{"name": "Scotty", "editor": "Emacs"}
{"name": "Worf", "editor": "ed"}
{"name": "Geordi LaForge", "editor": "Emacs"}
{"name": "Data", "editor": "Emacs"}
{"name": "Jean-luc Picard", "editor": "VS Code"}
{"name": "Wesley Crusher", "editor": "VS Code"}
{"name": "William Riker", "editor": "Vim"}
And now we plot,
#+begin_src python :results output file :file usage.png
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import sys
df = pd.read_json("data.njson", lines=True)
axes = sns.histplot(df, x="editor")
Okay, it seems I'm not even halfway there to run NixOS on my own ...
I highly recommend nix-direnv along with the direnv emacs package. I do everything with flakes, so I'd have a flake.nix
that defines a shell with the inputs I need, then I'd have a .envrc
with the contents use flake
in the same directory. With those in place, you may need to run direnv allow
in that directory, and then you can edit a .org
file in the same directory as the flake and the python environment will have what you need.
Here's a flake I quickly made using a minimal template.
description = "Python environment for plotting with Seaborn";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-23.05-darwin;
flake-utils.url = github:numtide/flake-utils;
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils }:
flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
let pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
python = pkgs.python3.withPackages (ps: [
in {
devShell = pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = [ python ];
And then here's the .org
file I tested with,
Example of plotting from this [[][blog post]].
Some data to work with,
#+begin_src javascript :tangle data.njson
{"name": "Spock", "editor": "Emacs"}
{"name": "James Kirk", "editor": "Vim"}
{"name": "Dr McCoy", "editor": "Vim"}
{"name": "Scotty", "editor": "Emacs"}
{"name": "Worf", "editor": "ed"}
{"name": "Geordi LaForge", "editor": "Emacs"}
{"name": "Data", "editor": "Emacs"}
{"name": "Jean-luc Picard", "editor": "VS Code"}
{"name": "Wesley Crusher", "editor": "VS Code"}
{"name": "William Riker", "editor": "Vim"}
And now we plot,
#+begin_src python :results output file :file usage.png
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import sys
df = pd.read_json("data.njson", lines=True)
axes = sns.histplot(df, x="editor")
Ah great, thanks! I hadn't spotted that in the docs 👍
I've written about this on my blog too, where you can see the [unsurprising] results of the analysis!
Of course everyone loves to hate on Wesley, but let's face it, he'd probably be the Emacs geek who was constantly talking about this new thing he just did in Emacs, and everyone would be tired of hearing about it. :)
That's true, although I figured he'd be doing whatever Picard was doing!