It might just be because I'm still sick, but that didn't quite feel like a show coming out of a ppv.
Squared Circle
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“Due to illness, 2022 Owen Hart Foundation Women's Tournament Winner Dr. Britt Baker DMD isn't cleared to wrestle tonight vs Ruby Soho
Ruby Soho will be in action tonight, + the 2023 Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Quarterfinal Britt Baker vs Ruby Soho will take place next week.”
Uh-oh, Kingston f’d up bit time
Seems like a bit of a weak show to follow a PPV but really looking forward to watching Mox vs Ishii after work
Wow, Sting is a mad man. Being able to wrestle the way he does at his age is amazing. Awesome match
It can't be about the money, and he doesn't have anything left to prove. I assume he keeps going because he just really enjoys entertaining people.
Better late than never!
Talkative bunch aren’t ya