8,655 readers558 users here now
Welcome to Lemmy.ca!
"Lemmy.ca" is so named due to it running the Lemmy software, in the Fediverse, and it's geared toward Canadians, hosted in Canada, and run by Canadians. It is, however, not at all restricted to Canadians, or Canadian culture/topics/etc. All are welcome!
We are run by the non-profit Fedecan and funded entirely by user donations. You can help support us by visiting our donations page.
We have some rules here:
1. No Bigotry
Including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia.
2. Be Civil
Argue in good faith, attack the argument; not the person, and promote a healthy debate. That includes implying violence, threats or wishes of violence and/or death.
3. No Porn
This instance is not made to host porn communities. You're free to access porn communities on other instances through your account, but be mindful of Rule 4.
4. Use the NSFW tag
Use your common sense: if you wouldn't want this image to show up on your work computer, tag it as such. In comments, use the
5. No Ads / Spam
This instance is not there to act as your billboard. If you want to promote your personal work, at least make the effort to be a contributing member of this community. Your account purpose shouldn't be to only advertise, make it natural.
6. Bot account
If you are the operator of a "bot" account, make sure to flag is as such in the account's settings.
7. Right to privacy
Do NOT distribute the personal information of someone else without their consent (aka doxxing). Information that is public domain can be shared, provided it is in good faith.
ex: The official email of an elected official is fair, the private phone number or the real name of a non-public person is NOT.
8. Report abuse
The report function isn't labelled the disagree button. You might not agree with someone, but that doesn't mean what the person says is against the rules. Using it repeately in this fashion will lead to actions being taken against the reporter.
9. Impersonation
Don't make an account with the intent to negatively deceive or defame someone on the fediverse.
ex: Parody of a famous person is okay, submitting outrageous content as appearing like another user, mod or admin isn't.
Getting Started
Site resources
- Main community at [email protected]
- Support at [email protected]
- Uptime history at status.lemmy.ca
- Mlmym interface at old.lemmy.ca
- Voyager interface at voyager.lemmy.ca
- Photon interface at photon.lemmy.ca
- Alexandrite interface at alex.lemmy.ca
Need to contact an admin? PM us at @[email protected]
Una comunidad bilingüe dedicada al país de Perú.
A bilingual community dedicated to the country of Peru.
This community is using “sapphic” to describe anyone who fits under that label, including people who are nonbinary but attracted to women, for example.
However, anyone, regardless of orientation can join.
A community geared towards pansexuals, but anyone can join! (If you’re homophobic or transphobic, you will be banned.)
Bonehurtingjuice memes are memes that are out of context and misuse the template completely. Imagine you're a 10 year old kid who just discovered the internet a week ago and your only exposure is iFunny. It's like that. Here's the original for example!
🧃 READ THE HISTORY: https://irony.wiki/wiki/BoneHurtingJuice
All discussion about Bluetooth.
Amravati community on Lemmy
Come with me into a world of pure imagination
Discussions about MLB, NPB, KBO, and other leagues around the world.
Related Communities
- Legal Advice Canada
- Legal Discussions Canada
- Best of Legal Advice Canada (here!)
For discussions about posts on !legaladvice[email protected]
This community is a placeholder mainly because there are not that many posts anyway.
Unofficial Unifi networking community.
All things Megaman.
post blog links here
no nsfw or selling things blogs
just regular blog posts
blogging is underrated simple fun and gives some people a sense of connection with others, as they happily hide behind their computer and whatever it is that they are blogging about
for some people, it's the only connection to the outside world that they have
on a lighter note, some people just like watching the visitors come in, and the nerds enjoy collecting flags on the counter thing
have mercy on the lowly bloggers
blogs are not a bug :)
enjoy your day
post blue things here
blue is beautiful
no nsfw
All things Gran Turismo.
Une communauté où on peut discuter de sujet du Canada et de la francophonie canadienne en français. Bienvenue à tous/tes!
Canada Français est une communauté inclusive. L'intolérance et le manque de respect ne seront pas tolérés.
Welcome to Soapmaking! A community for sharing our passion of soapmaking.
Did you just join Lemmy? This community is for you!
Do you want to help new users around? Then this community is for also you!
Thank you all for being here, it makes a big difference
- You don't have to post here, but it's fun!
- You don't have to post right away, come back later if you want
- You can post as many times as you want
I don't know what to post
- Share what you're looking for, or what you want to do. We'll help you find it
- Ask questions! The Fediverse is new to most people. If you're unsure about something, others are unsure as well.
- Just smile and wave, maybe someone will wave back 👋
A community for fans of the rock band Coheed and Cambria