Can't wait. Guess I never gave much thought as to what time anime airs in Japan. 1:30 in the morning? This is prime time TV!
Frieren has a good dub from the few clips I watched. Currently airing.
Haibane Renmei. Never heard the dub but loved the subbed version. Older show, but a hidden gem IMO.
Wow, was just watching clips from the first season last night. Decent show. Picked up its pace near the end.
It's not that widespread as far as I can tell. I gave details elsewhere and included a few other places where people were reporting it. Not sure if it's tied to AMD GPUs, AMD CPUs, etc., but the common thread is that everyone I saw reporting it was using AMD.
Ryzen 5 2600X w/ an RX580.
I detailed the issue here. Very persistent and tricky issue to track since there's no reproducible steps and it generates no errors. Happens under zero load, full load, after 5 minutes, 2 hours... it's about as random and as you can get. And yes, RAM is fine.
Need to give this a shot. I'm still stuck on 6.6 since 6.7 introduced some obscure bug that's freezing AMD systems.
The first "utility" frame I farmed. At that point I think I had Volt, Rhino, and maybe one other. When I finally built Ivara and went invisible for the first time I was absolutely hooked. You spend so much of the game flying through levels and gunning everything down indiscriminately, but with her you have to slow down and take a methodical approach. Was a cool experience as a low MR player to see that other styles of play were supported AND viable.
IMO Yareli is S-tier. She's an absolute tank if built right and can solo SP, Archon Hunts, and Netracells without much effort. I guess the biggest challenge is mastering k-drive controls and getting a decent secondary to use with her.
Not the person you replied to BTW.
Financially the right move. If what I read was correct, it would take approx. 8 years of steady Patreon income to get to the $2.4M figure anyway.
I made it a few hours in on 6.7.9 yesterday after this thread inspired me to check. Still persists and I can now tell if the system is going to hang by starting a video on my second monitor and playing a few minutes of Warframe. The system kind of "stumbles" but won't crash right away. It might even take a few hours to go down, but I know if that happens then the kernel is no good. Happy you got it sorted, though! Lucky for me 6.6 is LTS for a few more years.