WTF is this news source? The fucking white noise with this war is off the charts.
The Turks lost the area to the British in WW1. It was part of the Ottoman Empire. Everyone was a colonizer 100 years ago. But if we’re talking about colonization, the Arabs kicked the Jews out of Israel hundreds of years ago. Those damn colonizers!!! Good thing the Torah documents this and clearly confirms that Palestine is actually a “God-given” inheritance to the Jews.
But none of this is relevant because this isn’t a holy war 😒
I never insulted you but I will now, robot. Your only “position” is “Palestine is not Hamas”. PROVE IT. The world wants to fucking hear it said from Palestinian leaders.
You have no real position, you have a script. Go sling your fascist rhetoric on Reddit. You aren’t welcome here. We see through your bullshit, bandit. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦.
Am I a troll? Are you a Russian shill?
All of this is about religion. You think the Jews and Muslims hate each other because of imperialism? Homey, their hatred predates the fucking bow and arrow. They believe they are entitled to Gaza by divine right. It’s not worth trying to convince either side they’re fucking idiots. That’s why I sleep well. Because I don’t waste my time trying to change the minds of sheep.
I understand the irony of that comment as I argue with someone on the internet.
Not voting for Biden is a vote for Trump. We all wanted Bernie but when the establishment shut him out he told us to vote for Hilary. Many of us didn’t vote and we almost lost Democracy. The road to AOC or someone like her ends if Trump gets into office. Democracy as we know it will end.
Gaza and the West Bank have been under contention forever. Jews and Muslims will always hate each other. We shouldn’t support either, I agree. We shouldn’t take any side at all.
35k deaths isn’t genocide. Not even close. Are civilians being allowed a path to evacuate to Palestine?
I’m not entirely sure you understand how war works. Just because you’re losing doesn’t mean you’re the victim. They can end it if they surrender Hamas. It’s not edgy, is just how it is and always has been.
Sleeping on the floor of a lecture hall isn’t going to change anything. The right has propagandized this war to steer voters away from Biden you’re all falling for it. The battle for Gaza and Jew/Muslim Israel/Palestine wars have gone on for centuries. Let them do what they’ve always done.
I don’t like the killing of civilians but there’s no front line. Hamas soldiers wear civilian clothes. Israel also doesn’t give a fuck. Surrender is the only optics the world will respond to. If they surrender Hamas, and Israel continues their barrage, then we should take action against Israel.
If you want to protest, support Palestinian businesses and boycott Israeli ones. This actually works.
I’ll remember this when they throw your body on the fire for wearing a rainbow.
It appears to be a race to see which piece of shit can create the more popular server.
OP is a mod on NEWS. Or he had mod powers. He deleted my comment that was essentially critical of Hamas. How did this agent get Mod status on such a popular server??
What an asinine comment. Republican-lite? Do you live in the same America I do? If Trump wins in November, the cute little protests you’ve been doing under Biden will be met with abduction and murder in the style of Putin. Plan on fighting back? Who owns Hong Kong? And someone like you wouldn’t fight with 10% of the courage and conviction of a Hong Kong native. You will lose and die.
The Biden administration may actually hear you out and you use that opportunity to shit in their ear and call them genociders and zionists. For your sake I hope you’re a white hetero male, because the future you’re ensuring for anyone else is gonna be bleak. Perhaps that’s your intention?
A compromised moderator deleted my previous comment so I already feel vindicated. This is becoming reddit so much faster than expected! That said, I just can't help myself.
I love that your rhetoric is "Isreal would have attacked Gaza anyway." Fucking brilliant stance. Who is fucking buying this shit?
And I sleep fine becuase I learned when I was a child that God is a story and I'm entitled to nothing. The lands these people fight over will be uninhabitable in 20 years anyway. I hope the centuries of misery was worth it.
Hamas hides behind civilians. Cowardly gorilla tactics after giving a volatile nation a legitimate reason to counter-invade.
This whole thing was so fucking stupid. Everyone knew Israel wasn’t going to be reserved with their counter attack. Why the fucking surprise? Why did Hamas attack in the first place? To what end were they hoping for?
Nobody is asking these questions. Everyone here is just spitting the same genocide script. The conversations quickly turn anti-Biden anti-liberal which should tell you all you need to know.
I truly hope the majority of you are seeing through this.