At what point exactly did it go from retaliation strike to genocide? When the US dropped nukes on Japan was it Genocide as well? Give up Hamas and any hostages and Israel will have no justification to continue destroying Gaza. It’s common sense. Civilians die when their terrorist government hides behind them.
I’m convinced you’re a shill trying to turn young democrats away from voting for Biden. Nobody can look at the images from October 7th and act so clueless as to why Israel might be fucking pissed off and want to level Gaza and everyone in it.
Keep in mind the Israelites have actually been the victims of attempted genocide probably more than any other people.
I don’t think the US should send any more artillery to Israel. But if you’re suggesting we get involved, get a fucking clue. I’m done sending Americans to fight and die in ancient holy wars.
Hamas killed 1200 civilians. They would have killed more if they could have. The missiles stop when Hamas leaders are dead. Give them up.
It’s cute that you think there are rules here. These holy wars have never adhered to the Geneva convention. Why would they start now? Hamas could have targeted Military, a noble endeavor, but instead they attacked civilians at a hippie concert.