It's a meta joke my man, try to lighten up a little
Disco inferno baby
You've just made an enemy for life!
TIL I am peak male form
Huh. My dad's credit card statement shows he spends a lot of money there. I'll have to figure out where he's hiding the dysons
Russians use the pronouns was/were
Redfall was trash, checks out
Additional advice from a cybersecurity professional that's good for you and anyone else reading: under no circumstances should you use SMS 2FA if there's another option.
Yes, having another app sucks (google/Microsoft have pretty universal apps if they're supported) but it's trivially easy for an even slightly well funded and motivated attacker to redirect your texts/phone calls so it's well worth the pain.
Hope this helps!
At least we'd be a state unlike poor Puerto Rico
And damn if we aren't ready to be great authors of the next Geneva convention update
I'm assuming this is a photoshop. Like, the real dog is probably still a unit but this dog looks like it couldn't stand up, which begs the question of how it got there in the first place.